This training simulates real emergencies to prepare for missions
SAREX (Search and Rescue Exercise)
CAP uses this handheld device to locate ELT signals
A direction finder (DF) or "L-per"
This type of map uses contour lines to depict elevation changes
Topographic map
This survival signal is made by creating three fires or piles in a triangle
A distress signal
This is the 1st thing you do when approaching a medical emergency scene
Ensure scene safety
This role in a ground team leads and ensures safety of the group
Ground Team Leader (GTL)
This beacon type is found on aircraft and activates in a crash
Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT)
This map feature explains the meaning of symbols and colors
The "legend" or "key"
This method uses moss on trees or the position of the sun to find direction
Natural navigation
This maneuver is used for choking victims
The Heimlich Maneuver
These are the four R's of individual refit
Replenish, Repair, Repack, and Rest
This beacon type transmits a distress signal to satellites when activated
Personal Locator Beacon (PLB)
This feature shows the ratio between map and real-world distance
The scale
The acronym STOP stands for these steps in a survival situation
Stop, Think, Observe, and Plan
This device is used to restart the heart during cardiac arrest
An Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
This CAP document provides guidance for ES operations
CAPR 60-3
This technique uses 2+ known points to determine an unknown location
This feature on a map indicates its orientation
The compass rose
These three sides make up the "survival triangle"
Food, shelter, and water
The acronym ABC stands for these assessment priorities
Airway, Breathing, and Circulation
The coordinated effort of multiple agencies during an emergency
The Incident Command System (ICS)
This frequency is used for civilian distress beacons
121.5 MHz
This grid system locates points on a map using two sets of numbers
The latitude and longitude system
What is the Rule of Threes
3 minutes without air, 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food
This type of shock is caused by severe blood loss or trauma
Hypovolemic shock