Drugs of Abuse
CAP policy
Addiction in the brain

Two types of dependence

What is physical and psychological.


Following the great depression, efforts to illicit fear and control increasing immigrant populations from Mexico, Cannabis was labeled "they most violent-causing drug in the history of mankind" and became more commonly known by this foreign sounding term.

What is Marijuana


The minimum amount of time needed to be on a dose for stability.

What is 14 days.


During this necessary practice, the body is recovering and repairing, turning short term memories into long term, the brain is teaching lessons of awareness, the goal is to reach REM cycle.

What is sleep


The neurotransmitter that has been classically associated with the reinforcing effects of drugs of abuse.

What is dopamine


Three examples of substances that are classified as narcotics.

What are: fentanyl, heroin, hydromorphone, methadone, morphine, oxycodone


In 1976 , Robert Randall becomes the first legal medical marijuana smoker after suing the Government for access to cannabis to treat this illness.

What is Glaucoma


CAP's medicating hours Monday through Friday

What is 530am-10am and noon-1:30pm.


Tools toward increasing this life activity include gradual progression, consideration of motivators, movement, sustainable energy, not necessarily fast and furious, for at least 10 minuets per day.

What is exercise


A state in which an organism no longer responds to a drug. /When a higher dose is required to achieve the same effect.

What is tolerance


The controlled substances act (CSA) regulates ____ classes of drugs

What is 5


1 of 400 ingredients in the cannabis plant, this common from is known to block pain and decrease inflammation.

What is CBD/ Cannabidiol


The amount of time absent from CAP the causes a Pt to become a K 0rder.

What is 3-14 days.


The science of having a healthy diet, understanding that there is a connection between our brain and our gut, inflammation and disease.

What is nutrition.


A state in which an organism functions normally only in the presence of a drug./ Manifested as a physical disturbance when a drug is removed;withdrawal.

What is dependence .


How Drug abuse is determined.

When a controlled substances are used in a manner or amount inconsistent with the legitimate medical use, it is called drug abuse. The non sanctioned use of substances controlled in schedules 1-5 of the CSA is considered drug abuse


In a first ever request, The NFL denied this player a therapeutic use exception for medical marijuana, after he kicked his addiction to the pain medications prescribed from a football related injury

Who is Mike James.


Eligibility requirements for carry status include: ______ please identify at least 3 requirements.

What is:1) Stable dose 2) Financially compliant 3) counseling compliance 4) Three consecutive U/As free of illicit use (at least 1 checked for FEN and THC) 5) No legal issues 6) Stable mental health


Healthy relationships in recovery offer this essential piece of healing through hugs, listening, and Relatability

What is comfort/support


The brains ability to heal itself. /The brains natural ability to physically alter itself to accommodate the instructions provided by the mind.

What is Neuroplasticity.


Name two risk factors for developing a substance use disorder and two protective factors for preventing development of a substance use disorder.

(Risk factors are characteristics at the biological, psychological, family, community, or cultural level that precede and are associated with a higher likelihood of negative outcomes. or exposure to alcohol prenatally. Individual-level protective factors might include positive self-image, self-control, or social competence. Positive family support, engagement in positive community activities)


FBI Narcotics agent, Harry Anslinger, succeeded in his mission to criminalize cannabis in the united states when Congress passed the Marijuana tax act in this year.

What is the year 1937


The Causes of Administrative Withdrawal Schedule May include: ____________. Please identify at least 3 causes.

What is:

1) Counseling non compliance 

2) Continued Illicit use

3) Behavioral/ Violation of Community Policy

4) Continuous K Orders 

5) Attendance issues.


The psychological process of bringing one's attention and awareness to experiences occurring in the present moment, which one can develop through the practice of meditation

What is  Mindfulness


The ______ powers the ability to think, plan, solve problems, make decisions, and exert self-control over impulses. This is also the last part of the brain to mature, making teens most vulnerable. Shifting balance between this circuit and the reward and stress circuits of the basal ganglia and extended amygdala make a person with a substance use disorder seek the drug compulsively with reduced impulse control.

What is the prefrontal cortex