What are the Civil Air Patrol Core Values?
Integrity, Excellence, Volunteer Service, Respect
What are the natural forces of flight?
What are the artificial force of flight?
Drag, Gravity
Thrust, Lift
What is "The art and science of influencing and directing people"?
What does the acronym "ABU" stand for?
Airman Battle Uniform
What is the part of a command that explains what the movement will be?
Preparatory Command
How many phases are in the CAP Cadet Program?
Who was the first woman in space?
Valentina Tereshkova
What do leaders work with?
How far should your flight cap device be from the front of your Blues cover?
1 1/2 inches
What is the part of a command that indicates when a movement will be carried out?
Command of Execution
What is the Civil Air Patrol's birth date?
December 1, 1941
Who was the first American in space?
Alan Shepard
What is the leadership philosophy of putting others first and sharing the workload of followers?
Servant Leadership
What document contains the uniform standards for CAP?
CAP Manual (CAPM) 39-1
When forming a squadron, how many paces should the flight commander be from the squadron commander?
6 paces
What are the 3 main missions of Civil Air Patrol?
Emergency Services, Aerospace Education, Cadet Programs
What was the name of the first American space station?
What is "tough mindedness and tireless motivation"?
Warrior Spirit
What is the alignment of shirt, belt buckle and trouser fly called on Blues?
Gig Line
What is the command that comes after, "Dress Right, DRESS"?
Ready, FRONT
What is the Civil Air Patrol Motto?
Semper Vigilans
When was the Wright brother's first powered flight?
December 17, 1903
Accomplishing the mission
Why is wearing uniform correctly important?
Gives people a 1st impression of you & your organization's professionalism
Taking the time & effort to assemble & wear our uniform properly directly reflects on us, our unit, the whole of CAP, & the US Air Force
Shows pride & professionalism
What is used to review a squadron's state of progress through drill?
Pass and Review