Literary Elements I
Literary Elements II
Argumentation, Appeals, and Writing With Purpose
Test Prep
Define what it means to ANALYZE.
Break down into its parts and examine them; determine meaning from.

Painting a picture with your words; writing that helps your reader picture and visualize what you're writing about. Sensory details play a large role in developing this.

What is imagery?


The poetic equivalent of a paragraph; lines in a poem, grouped together

What is a stanza?


The goal that an author is trying to reach with their writing; to entertain, inspire, educate, etc.

What is purpose?


Breaking down your test into chunks and spending a set amount of time on each one; knowing that you shouldn't spend more than 1-2 minutes per each question 

What is 'pacing yourself?'

Define what EVIDENCE is.
That which proves or disproves; that which makes plain or clear

A narrator's way of looking at and thinking about what happens in the story.

What is Point of View or Perspective?


"He went home...she ate lunch...they ate dinner"

"You went home...you ate lunch...you ate dinner"

"I went home...we ate lunch...they made us dinner"

What are these examples of?

What is 3rd, 2nd, and 1st person point of view?


The people that an author is trying to reach when they write or speak

What is audience?


What does it mean to "Flag a Question" and why would you use this feature?

What is marking a question for review, so you can come back to it later?
Define what it means to DEVELOP.
Expand, elaborate; add details

The way the reader feels while reading the story - the "atmosphere" or "vibe" of a story. Some examples- angry, tense, suspense

What is Mood?

Assigning human characteristics to non-human things

What is personification?


"Frankly speaking, I think it's ridiculous that uniforms cost $20 a pop. Isn't it unfair to make families spend THEIR money on something the SCHOOL requires?"

What is an appeal to pathos?


What is a rhetorical question?


What should you do when you are done taking the PARCC test?

Sit quietly, work on whatever packet your proctors give you, sleep (if you're allowed), etc.


Looking at the words, phrases, and sentences immediately before and after an unfamiliar word/phrase to discern its meaning

What is using context clues?


An idea or concept that's prominently covered and explored in a text - it's usually no longer than a word or phrase

What is theme?


Details that revolve around sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste

What are sensory details?


"Schools should start later in the morning. Studies show that teenagers do better in school when they get more sleep."

What is an appeal to logos?

Crossing out answers to questions that don't make sense or are clearly incorrect, in order to make it easier to find the correct answer

What is process of elimination?


Define what CHARACTERIZATION means

The process of describing and building a character; their thoughts, beliefs, traits, etc. 


What a text is overall "about;" alternatively, the primary message or life lesson in a text

What is the main idea?


Give one example of figurative language - as in, provide a sentence with figurative language in it

[Instructor review necessary]


"As a doctor, I am qualified to give advice on healthcare"

What is an appeal to ethos?


What should you do the day of PARCC to be well-prepared? Name two things.

- Good night's rest

- Have a healthy breakfast

- Wake up early (but not too early)

- Believe in yourself!