You never capitalize the words "I" always capitalize "I"
Name the common nouns in this sentence:
Sarah has a dream of attending beauty school.
dream, school
You do not have to capitalize the names of colleges, states, or countries. do have to capitalize them
What are the proper nouns that should be capitalized in this sentence:
When he visited france, griffin saw the eiffel tower.
France, Griffin, Eiffel Tower
Name the common nouns in the sentence:
Hatred, anger, and wrath are all negative feelings that a person might experience.
hatred, anger, wrath, feelings, person
You always capitalize directions like east, south, north and west.
False...never capitalize when they talk about directions.
What are the proper nouns that should be capitalized in the sentence?
i saw mom and aunt beth in san francisco.
I, Mom, Aunt Beth, San Francisco
You never capitalize the names of islands, mountains, and bodies of water do capitalize them.
True or False?
safeway, store, walgreens, and kitten are ALL proper nouns and should begin with capital letters.
If false, explain.
False. Safeway and Walgreens are proper nouns. Kitten and store are common nouns.