Find the error in the title:
the Sword in the Stone
What is the first word needs to be capitalized?
What needs to be corrected in the sentence?
Is the last day of school Friday May 19?
What is a comma goes after Friday?
O'Rourke Elementary
1975 Leroy stevens road
Mobile, AL 36695
What is stevens needs to be capitalized?
We are reading Einstein Anderson and the mighty Ants.
Find the error in the title:
The wizard of Oz
What is Wizard should be capitalized?
What needs to be corrected?
Katie's birthday is on Wednesday, june 3.
What is June needs to be capitalized?
143 park place
Chicago, IL 48029
What is park place needs to be capitalized?
My favorite book is the Wild Robot.
What is the needs to be capitalized?
Find the error in the title:
The Lion, the witch, and the Wardrobe
What is witch needs to be capitalized?
What needs to be corrected?
We are going to 146 Lincoln Avenue, Boise ID 49205.
What is a comma needs to go between Boise and ID?
902 Smart Avenue
Charleston, SC 39018
What is Albert Einstein needs to be capitalized?
We read the book Dog man and cat Kid.
What is man and cat need to be capitalized?
Find the error in the title:
Diary of a wimpy kid
What is diary and wimpy should be capitalized?
What needs to be corrected?
We are visiting 1421 Werner Park Fort Campbell KY 42223.
What is a comma needs to go after Park and after Campbell?
Aretha Franklin
539 Respect Road
New York City NY 90178
What is a comma goes after New York City?
The book Where the red fern Grows is a great book.
What is red and fern need to be capitalized?
Find the error in the title:
Junie B. Jones and mushy, gushy Valentine
What is mushy and gushy should be capitalized?
What needs to be corrected?
They are going to 2402 Crown circle, decatur, Al 35603.
What is Decatur and Circle needs to be capitalized and L in AL needs to be capitalized?
Thomas Jefferson
893 Freedom Lane
houston TX 43988
What is Houston needs to be capitalized and needs a comma after it?
The very hungry caterpillar is a funny story.
What is very, hungry, and caterpillar need to be capitalized?