1st Words/Quotes/ Proper Nouns
Business Titles/Organizations/Directions
Sister Rockwood
What is wrong with this sentence? i visited mr. smith, the chairman of the board, on september 10.
I visited Mr. Smith, the chairman of the board, on September 10. * "I" must always be capitalized in the English language. * Mr. Smith must be capitalized because it is a proper noun. * September must be capitalized because it is the name of a month.
What is wrong with this sentence? Ryan lives North of campus.
Ryan lives north of campus. * North should not be capitalized because it is referring to a direction
What is wrong with this sentence? I am planning on getting a Bachelor's Degree from the Marriot School.
I am planning on getting a bachelor's degree from the Marriot School. * Do not capitalize bachelor's degree because it does not refer to a specific degree
What are the names (first and last) of the three awesome presenters of this capitalization knowledge?
Matt Larsen, Erik Snow, Richard Patterson
Where did Sister Rockwood get her undergraduate degree?
What is UCLA.
What is wrong with this sentence? president smith gave a speech in which he said "resigning is not an option."
President Smith gave a speech in which he said "Resigning is not an option." * President must be capitalized because it is a title preceding a name. * Smith must be capitalized because it is a proper noun. * Resigning must be capitalized because it is the first word in a quoted sentence.
What is wrong with this sentence? People who live in the south are often called southerners.
People who live in the South are often called Southerners. * South should be capitalized because it's referring to a specific location. Southerners should be capitalized because it's referring to a proper noun.
What is wrong with this sentence? Sister Rockwood earned her Bachelor's of Science degree from a certain University in California
Sister Rockwood earned her Bachelor of Science degree from a certain University in California. * Remember it is either "bachelor's degree" or "Bachelor of XYZ" degree.
For what will you use your doughnut?
Where did Sister Rockwood go on her mission?
What is North Carolina
What is wrong with this sentence? may i visit the oval office, president?
May I visit the oval office, President? * May must be capitalized because it is the first word of the sentence. * I must be capitalized because I must always be capitalized. * President must be capitalized because it is being used as a direct address.
What is wrong with this? A Tale of Two Cities
Nothing. * A Tale of Two Cities is a published title, therefore, we capitalize the first word and all principle words.
What is wrong with these sentences? Capitalization rules really are not difficult to learn once you understand a few basic concepts. For more information about those rules, please refer to Page 274 in the book.
Capitalization rules really are not difficult to learn once you understand a few basic concepts. For more information about those rules, please refer to page 274 in the book. * Capitalize nouns followed by numbers except for pages.
What is wrong with this sentence? i am originally from the south but i drove north, and now i live in the north.
I am originally from the South but i drove north and now i live in the North. * I must be capitalized because it is the start of the sentence, and because I must always be capitalized. * South must be capitalized because it refers to a specific location/ region within the context of this sentence. * The second North must be capitalized as well, because it too refers to a specific location. However, the first north remains lower case because it is not referring to a specific location.
Where did Sister Rockwood go to law school?
What is Santa Clara
What is wrong with this sentence? he loved the book, which was called "a day in france."
He loved the book, which was called "A Day in France." * He must be capitalized because it is the first word of the sentence. * A must be capitalized because it is the first word in a title. * Day must be capitalized because it is a major word in a title. * France must be capitalized both because it is the name of a country, and because it is a major word in a title.
What is wrong with this sentence? Ms. Smith, the Vice President of the company, will address us at noon .
Ms. Smith, the vice president of the company, will address us at noon. * The person's name following the title is an appositive set off by commas.
What is wrong with this sentence? Please remember that I need a size XL.
Nothing. Capitalize nouns followed by numbers or letter except when referring to sizes.
For what would you use your Cafe Rio gift card?
Something awesome.
When was Sister Rockwood's Birthday?
What is February 2nd
What is wrong with this sentence? the federal bureau of investigations (f.b.i.) looks into crimes, and the bureau also protects america.
The Federal Bureau of Investigations (F.B.I.) looks into crimes, and the Bureau also protects America. * The must be capitalized because it is the first word of the sentence. * Federal Bureau of Investigation must be capitalized because it is a title ("of" is not capitalized because it is a preposition within a title.) * F.B.I. must be capitalized because it is an acronym. * Bureau must be capitalized, because it is a proper noun (shorthand) for the F.B.I.
What is wrong with this? Gone With The Wind by Margaret Mitchell
Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell * "The" and "with" should not be capitalized because they are conjunctions of less than four words and do not begin the title
If this question were to have a vertical list of bullet points, what would be the correct way to treat each item in the list?
By capitalizing the first letter of items in the list.
What is wrong with this sentence? september and october are the prettiest months of autumn.
September and October are the prettiest months of autumn. * September and October need to be capitalized because they are the names of months. Autumn does not need to capitalize because seasons are not proper nouns.
What did Sister Rockwood eat on her Birthday?
What is pizza