Classic Descriptions of Crime
Theories of Causation
The Social Response to Crime
Classic Descriptions of Crime Part II
Theories of Causation Part II
The Social Responce to Crime Part II

Street culture has evolved to what may be called __________________, which amounts to a set of informal rules governing interpersonal public behavior, including violence. 

Code of the streets


According to Lombroso what are the two main physical parts of the body that showcase anomalies of the born criminal?

1) Head

2) Face


According to Beccaria the 3 key elements to preventing crime are: 

1) Certainty

2) Celerity (Swiftness)

3) Severity


According to Anderson what are the two type of families in poor inner-city neighborhoods?

Decent and Street


Shaw and McKay gathered their data specifically from where?

Juvenile Court of Cook County in Chicago


Kelling, Pate, Dieckman, and Brown conducted an experiment in _________________ to assess police patrol strategies. 

Kansas City, Missouri


Moffitt argues that one reason adolescents commit crime is that they are trapped in a ________________, meaning they are hostages of of a time warp between biological age and social age. 

Maturity gap


Who stated, "Aberrant conduct, therefore, may be viewed as a symptom of dissociation between culturally defined aspirations and socially structured means"?



In Sherman and Beck's iconic research they conducted a randomized experiment where law enforcment officer's responding to a specific type of call had three randomly assigned options on how to address the complaint. These options were:

1) Arrest

2) Separation

3) Advice/Mediation


A small group of persons that are shown to engage in antisocial behavior of one sort or another at every stage of life are labeled _____________________ to reflect the continuous course of their antisocial behavior. 

Life-course persistent


The modern or ______________ theory maintains that the antisocial tendencies of criminals are the result of their physical and psychic organization. 



Sherman and Berk conducted a study in ____________ that focused on law enforcement response to _________________.

1) Minneapolis, Minnesota

2) Domestic violence


Those individuals that fill out the age-crime curve with crime careers of shorter duration are labeled ______________ to reflect their more temporary involvement in antisocial behavior. 



One argument against Clarke and Cornish's theory is that the decision steps to commit a crime need to be taken by a ______________ criminal. 



____________ states, "The classical age discovered the body as object and target of power. It is easy enough to find signs of the attention then paid to the body - to the body that is manipulated, shaped, trained, which obeys, responds, becomes skilful and increases its forces". Specifically, he argued that discipline begets ______________.

1) Foucault

2) Docile bodies


_____________________ is the study of the fourth dimension of crime. 

Environmental Criminology


Sutherland developed __________________ theory which had _______________ principles.

1) Differential association

2) 9 (Nine)


According to _________________, "A punishment, to be just, should have only that degree of severity which is sufficient to deter others". 



According to Brantingham and Brantingham the four dimensions of crime are: 

Law, the offender, the target, and the place
According to Clarke and Cornish there are 4 models that can be utlized to reflect an offender's decision to commit a crime. They are: 

1) Initial involvement model

2) Criminal event model

3) Continuance model

4) Desistance model


Who stated, "This wish to 'decriminalize' disreptuable behavior that 'harms no one' - and thus remove the ultimate sanction the police can employ to maintain neighborhood order - is we think, a mistake"? Additionally, what theory does did the researchers propose?

1) Wilson and Kelling

2) Broken windows theory


According to Moffitt early individual differences may set in motion a downhill snowball of effects called _____________ which if these same underlying traits that got one in trouble in childhood carry into adulthood cause _____________________. 

Cumulative consequences 

Contemporary consequences


According to Gottfredson and Hirschi the minimum conditions for adequate child-rearing to occur are:

(Name the 3)

1) Monitor the child's behavior

2) Recognize deviant behavior when it occurs

3) Punish such behavior


The prison, with its 'omni-disciplinary', was called _______________. 

A panopticon


According to Moffitt neural development may be disrupted by what three things?

1) maternal drug use

2) poor prenatal nutrition

3) pre- or postnatal exposure to toxic agents


Gottfredson and Hirschi developed a general theory of crime which was _________________. According to Gottfredson and Hirschi individuals will tend engage in criminal acts as they are _______________(list 6 characteristics).

1) Self-control theory

2) Impulsive

3) Insensitive

4) Physical (as opposed to mental)

5) Risk-taking

6) Shortsighted

7) Non-verbal


____________refers to the deterrent effect of indirect experience with punishment and punishment avoidance and _____________ refers to the deterrent effect of direct experience with punishment and punishment avoidance. This reconceptualiztion of deterrence theory was proposed by:

1) General

2) Specific

3) Stafford and Warr


According to ___________________ crime rates can be affected by the convergence in space and time of three minimal elements of direct-contact predatory violations. These 3 elements are ___________, ______________, ________________, AND the theory proposed is________________.

1) Cohen and Felson

2) Motivated offenders

3) Suitable targets

4) The absence of a capable guardian

5) Routine activities theory


Merton's five alternate modes of adjustment or adaptations by individuals between culture ends and means are: 

1) Conformity

2) Innovation

3) Ritualism

4) Retreatism

5) Rebellion


Kelling, Pate, Dieckman, and Brown evaluated the effects of police presence on what 4 broad categories?

1) Crimes against persons

2) Crimes against property

3) Citizen fear of being victimized

4) Police and the community