Chapters 10/11
Chapter 13
Chapters 14/15
Chapters 15/16
Chapter 17

What did the Fillmore High School troublemakers do Reggie Ratner's lawn?

They emptied 50 garbage cans on his lawn.


Who saw Newt in his Captain Nobody costume?



What happened when Newt was on the field testing the walkies out with his friends?

A football hit him on the head. 

Ricky Ratner (Reggie’s cousin) threw the football because he was upset that his cousin Reggie is getting harassed. People believe Reggie was at fault for what happened to Chris.


How did they stop the robber?

Mr. Sullivan pressed the button when he said that he was looking for a pen. The robber bumped into Newt and ran out of the store without any jewels.


What important decision did Newt make at the beginning of the chapter?

He decided that he would go visit Chris at the hospital.


Who grabbed Newt in the alley?

Mr. Clay


What was dad’s reaction to seeing Newt in his costume and why?

-He apologized to Newt for neglecting him and being very distracted lately. He said that the school had been calling him and mom stating that they believed that Newt was upset about Chris and that was why he was wearing Chris’s clothes and had lost touch with reality.


Who came to help Newt when Ricky was poking him?

Cecil and JJ. Later Basher, Evan McGee along with the rest of the rest of the 4th grade boys.


How did they refer to Newt in the news?

"That little guy/a midget".


Who were the guest speakers in Newt’s classroom and why were they there?

Darryl (football player) and Colby (cheerleader). They were there to spread cheer because they were feeling sad about Chris’s accident, and they brought the school mascot.


Who was Mr. Clay and how did Newt know him?

He was a locksmith that had helped Newt’s mom unlock houses.


What was mom’s reaction to the picture that dad sent of Newt wearing Chris's clothes?

She couldn’t stop laughing and she showed everyone at the hospital.


What was the emergency that JJ called Captain Nobody about and that Newt did not want to go to?

He had to go to Sullivan’s Jewelry store, but JJ didn’t say why, and his radio died before Newt was able to ask him.


How did they catch the robber?

They threw food at him, and a heavy man sat on him.


Who did Colby and Darryl bring with them? What would the lucky student get to do?

Ferocious the Ferret. Take him home.


What did Newt and Cecil do with Mr. Clay?

They walked him home.


How do you think Newt felt about not being able to see Chris?

He was upset and squeezed his lips together.


What was JJ so upset about when Newt met up with her outside of Sullivan's jewelry store?

The spelling mistakes that were on the signs inside of the jewelry.


What happened when Newt woke up? What did he read in the newspaper?

He read that the specialist from Minnesota had no significant concerns about Chris's coma, unless it went on for longer than 6 days.


What was Newt worried about during lunch time?

How he would get to the hospital if he had to take the ferret home with him.


Why didn’t Newt want to stop being Captain Nobody?

Because he liked helping people like Cecil and Mr. Clay.


What did Newt dream about at the end of the chapter 13?

He dreamt about the Big Tackle, but this time he was able stop all the players from hurting Chris. Everyone got pizza, but he didn’t understand this part of the dream.


Why did the Sullivan’s want Newt to stay in the shop?

They told him that every customer was important. They also wanted to stay because they were being robbed and hoped that Newt would help or be a witness.


Why were his parents keeping Newt away from the hospital? How would you feel if you were Newt and your parents didn't tell you this information?

To protect him.


Describe what happened when JJ, Cecil, and Newt ran into Ricky and friends on their way home and how did Newt cheat death?

Ricky and friends tried to steal Ferocious after discovering that he was the school mascot. Ferocious got out of his cage and ran into traffic. Newt tried to save the ferret and almost got run over. There was also an airplane that flew really close to the roofs of the stopped cars when it was making an emergency landing. Newt caught Ferocious and ran back to the sidewalk.