Regional II
National Project
American History II
Founding Fathers

The states in the Great Lakes Region.

What are Ohio, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan and Indiana?


The theme for the 2024-25 National Project.

What is Service, Courage, Honor?


This document begins "We the people of the United States, in order to form more perfect Union..."

What is the Constitution?


The primary author of the Declaration of Independence and third President of the United States of America.

Who is Thomas Jefferson?


If you are experiencing an emergency, calling these three numbers will bring first responders to help.

What is 9-1-1?


The states in the Rocky Mountain Region.

What are Arizona, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming?


The 2024-25 National President.

Who is Emerson Sites-Byers?


This "purchase" in 1803 nearly doubled the geographic size of the United States. 

What is the Louisiana Purchase?

This Founding Father was born on February 22, 1732, in Virginia and died December 14, 1799 at his home at Mt. Vernon.

Who is George Washington?


These responders work to protect people, animals, goods, lands, and other objects from fire.

What are firefighters?


The states of the Mid-Southern Region.

What are Kentucky, Tenneesee, Virginia and West Virginia


The 2024-25 National Project will benefit this  organization which helps injured first responders.

What is Tunnels to Towers?


This ring of  Revolutionary spies worked with General George Washington

What is the Culper Ring


The architect of the Constitution and writer of several Federalist Papers from Virginia and the fourth President of the United States. 

Who is James Madison?


These organizations provide the enforcement of laws and protect the public order as well as the public itself, including ensuring the safety, health, and possessions of citizens, and to prevent crime and civil disorder. 

What are Police?


This region includes the home state of National President Emerson Sites-Byers, among others. 

What is Eastern


The Tunnels to Towers Foundation assists homeless veterans and these national heroes throughout the United States. 

What are wounded first responders?


This famous speech by Abraham Lincoln was delivered on November 19, 1863 in Pennsylvania

What is the Gettysburg Address?


This Founding Father was the oldest delegate to the Constitutional Convention.  He represented Pennsylvania.  He was known for publishing Poor Richard's Almanack and invented bifocal glasses and the lightning rod.

Who is Benjamin Franklin?


As part of the US Forest Service, these firefighters parachute into wilderness areas to fight wildfires. 

What are smoke jumpers?


These two regions have the most states, each with seven states.

What are Great Plains. (Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, North Dakota, South Dakota and Minnesota)

and Western (Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Idaho, Hawaii)


The type of home that Tunnels to Towers helps to finance which often have special accommodations and technology to help with the recipients challenges.

What are Smart Homes?


The construction of this was completed on May 10, 1869 in Promontory, Utah.  

What is the Transcontinental Railroad?


This "dueling" Founding Father was the inspiration for a modern musical.  He was born in the British West Indies.  He was a main author of the Federalist Papers and first secretary of Treasury. 

Who is Alexander Hamilton?


One of the oldest federal organizations, these first responders are known for search and rescue missions, especially on or near water. 

What is the Coast Guard?