What kind of carb has the lowest nutritional value?
Simple Carbohydrates.
What is a bad carb?
Bad carbs: food that has been processed and/or refined.
Give an example of 5 simple carbs.
Table sugar, Corn syrup, Fruit juice, Candy, Cake, Bread made with white flour, Pasta made with white flour, Soda, Candy, Cereals
Give 5 examples of complex carbs.
Nuts, Whole grains (eg. Brown rice and/or wheat bread), Most fruits and Vegetables, Dairy products, Beans, Yogurt
What happens to carbohydrates that are not burned as fuel?
The body stores the unburned or excessive carbs as fats in the cells.
What is the function of fiber in the body?
It's main function is to regulate digestion. It also helps lower cholesterol levels, regulate blood sugars, and aids in achieving a healthy weight.
What is a good carb?
Good carb: Fiber rich carbohydrates
What are simple carbs?
Simple sugars.
What are complex carbs?
Consists of chemical structure that is composed of three or more sugars, linked together in a chain. Then these sugars are mostly rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.
What is the function of carbohydrates in the body?
Provide energy for working muscles and to provide fuel for the central nervous system, enabling fat metabolism and preventing protein from being used as energy.
How many servings of fruits and vegetables should a person have in a day?
5 servings.
What are the side effects of eating too many bad carbs?
You're at risk of diabetes, heart diseases, and obesity.
What happens during digestion?
During digestion, sugar and starches are broken down and absorbed into the blood stream, to be used by your body’s cells for energy.
How do complex carbs improve your digestion?
They're loaded with fibre.
Long chains of sugar molecules are called what?
How is fiber related to carbohydrates?
Fiber is a non-digestible complex carbohydrate
How do good carbs make you feel?
Good carbs make you feel full.
How do simple carbs taste?
They taste sweet.
How do you classify carbohydrates?
The classification depends on the chemical structure of the food, and how quickly the sugar is digested and absorbed.
Complex carbohydrates have three or more sugars.
How do you calculate how many carbs you need in a day?
To find out how many carbs you need in a day: find out how many calories you need in a day, then times that number by 6. There are 4 calories in a gram of carbohydrates so then divided your number by 4. The answer you get will be how many grams of carbs you need in a day.
What percent of carbohydrates should a person consume in a day?
60% of a person's daily calorie intake should be from carbohydrates.
What are good carbs rich in?
vitamins, minerals and nutrients.
What are two forms of simple carbs?
Sucrose, fructose, maltose, lactose
Complex carbs raises your bloods ______ levels more slowly. Fill in the blank!