Carbon compunds
Synthetic Polymers
Natural Polymers
How many valence electrons does carbon have?
What are polymers made up of?
What does synthetic mean? Why do we have synthetic polymers?
Synthetic means man- made. We use them because they are cheaper and we won't run out of them.
What are natural polymers?
Polymers found in nature and living organisms
How do you find the independent and dependent variable?
independent- what you change dependent- what you measure
What type of bonds do carbon compounds form?
What are the three different structural arrangements of polymers?
linear, branched, crosslinked
What happens to the polymer as the number of carbons increases?
Gets stronger
What are the 4 types of natural polymers?
carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids and lipids
What was the problem being solved in the acid rain lab?
Which building material would stand up best to acid rain.
What elements are present in organic compounds?
Carbon and hydrogen
What happens to the polymer as more bonds are formed in between carbons? What is it called when this happens?
Polymers become stronger, crosslinking
What are the three types of synthetic polymers and name one use.
Rubber- Adhesives/tires Nylon- replace silk- clothing, parchutes, etc Polyethylene/ Plastic- everything
what are the monomers of: 1. Carbohydrates 2. Proteins 3. Lipids 4. Nucleic Acids
1. monsaccharides 2. amino acids 3. fatty acids 4. nucleotide
What causes acid rain?
Sulfur dioxide released into the atmosphere from humans burning coal, and natural forces as well, volcanic eruptions, etc.
Which of the following combination of bonds is not possible? a. 4 single bonds b. 2 double bonds c. a triple bond and a double bond d. a triple bond and a single bond
C- can't have more than 4 bonds because carbon has 4 valence electrons.
Look at the picture, and describe the difference in properties of all three
cross linked is strongest, most durable, branched is next, linear is weakest.
A lab was conducted by student in class to determine which plastic bag was the most durable. They tested garbage bags, saran wrap, and grocery bags. The students discovered that the garbage bags were able to sustain the most weight before ripping, then the shopping bag and lastly the saran wrap. Make 2 inferences about the structural arrangement of the garbage bags compared to the other 2 bags.
Garbage bag has more carbon and more crosslinks.
What are the functions of: 1. carbohydrates 2. proteins 3. lipids 4. nucleic acids
1. energy 2. enzyme, transport, structure 3. energy storage 4. storage of genetic info.
In an experiment conducted by students in science class, they found that when allowed to sit overnight in vinegar, the following results were obtained: Red sandstone lost 1 gram Marble lost 5 grams pea stone lost 8 grams. What does the data tell us?
Red sandstone is best in acid rain. Use data to explain.
Draw the structural formula for C3H5. What type of hydrocarbon is this?
What is polymerization and describe in detail the process of polymerization.
Alkenes usually form polymers, Double bonds open up to form single bonds with other monomers
Looking at the picture, explain the difference in propertied between high density polyethylene and low density polyethylene.
HDPE has more carbons in a smaller space= stronger than LDPE
Explain IN DETAIL how starch can be turned into glucose using the following words: linear, polymer, monomer, hydrolysis, amylase, enzyme.
Starch is a linear polymer made of up monomers called glucose. Starch can be broken down into glucose by adding the enzyme amylase, which can be found in saliva. This aids in the process of hydrolysis, which is the process of breaking polymers into monomers.
In an experiment conducted by students in science class, they found that when allowed to sit overnight in vinegar, the following results were obtained: Red sandstone lost 1 gram Marble lost 5 grams pea stone lost 8 grams. 1. What are 2 things that need to be included in the procedure to replicate it. 2. Name 2 things to be done to make this a valid experiment. Explain why
1. Amount of vinegar used, how much of the rocks used, size of the rocks used, initial weight the same? 2. more trials!! use same amount of rocks, use the same size rocks, use same amount of vinegar, have a control (water)