Beta Blockers
ACE Inhibitors
Calcium Channel Blockers

This common beta blocker is often prescribed for high blood pressure and heart conditions.

What is metoprolol?


ACE inhibitors work by blocking the conversion of angiotensin I to this substance, which is a potent vasoconstrictor.

What is angiotensin II?


Unlike ACE inhibitors, ARBs do not cause this common side effect related to the accumulation of bradykinin.

What is a persistent dry cough?


Calcium channel blockers work by inhibiting the influx of calcium ions into these types of cells.

What are cardiac and smooth muscle cells?


The effects of warfarin are monitored by measuring this blood test value.

What is the INR (international normalized ratio)?


Patients on beta blockers should be monitored for this potential side effect, which can cause fatigue and dizziness.

What is bradycardia (slow heart rate)?


This serious but rare side effect of ACE inhibitors involves swelling of the deeper layers of the skin, often around the eyes and lips.

What is angioedema?


ARBs are particularly effective in treating hypertension in patients with this chronic condition due to their renal-protective effects.

What is diabetes?


Calcium channel blockers are particularly effective in treating this type of angina, caused by coronary artery spasm.

What is Prinzmetal's angina (variant angina)?


This medication is used to reverse the effects of heparin in case of overdose or excessive bleeding.

What is protamine sulfate?


This is a crucial nursing assessment before administering beta blockers to ensure patient safety.

What is checking the heart rate and blood pressure?


ACE inhibitors are beneficial in diabetic patients with hypertension because they help protect these organs from damage.

What are the kidneys?


The enzyme that ARBs indirectly affect is part of this larger regulatory system that controls blood pressure and fluid balance.

What is the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS)?


When administering calcium channel blockers, patients should be monitored for this cardiovascular effect, which includes a slow heart rate.

What is bradycardia?


Patients on warfarin should avoid excessive intake of this vitamin, which can affect anticoagulation levels.

What is Vitamin K?


Beta blockers reduce myocardial oxygen demand by decreasing this cardiac parameter.

What is heart rate?


When starting an ACE inhibitor, patients should have their blood levels of this monitored to avoid hyperkalemia.

What is potassium?


ARBs help to reduce this cardiac parameter by preventing vasoconstriction and promoting vasodilation.

What is afterload?


Besides hypertension and angina, calcium channel blockers are also used to manage this condition characterized by rapid and irregular heartbeats.

What is atrial fibrillation?


This lab test is used to monitor the therapeutic levels of heparin.

What is aPTT (activated partial thromboplastin time)?


This beta blocker is unique in that it also has vasodilating properties due to its additional alpha-blocking effects.

What is Carvedilol?


This effect of ACE inhibitors helps to reduce afterload, making it easier for the heart to pump blood.

What is vasodilation?


Patients starting ARBs should be advised to rise slowly from sitting or lying positions to avoid this common side effect.

What is orthostatic hypotension?


When taking calcium channel blockers, patients should be advised to maintain adequate hydration and monitor for this condition characterized by swollen ankles and feet.

What is peripheral edema?


Patients taking anticoagulants should be advised to use a soft-bristled toothbrush to prevent this.

What is bleeding?