Cardiac Meds
Heart Failure
Lab Values/Dysrhythmia Treatment

This calcium channel blocker slows the conduction of the AV node and increases the refractory period so that the heart rate is slowed down. It is given to treat narrow, complex tachycardia, Afib & Aflutter with RVR (rapid ventricular response). The initial bolus is 0.25 mg/kg (average dose 15-20 mg) over 2 minutes. If the bolus works, then a drip of the same drug is hung.

What is diltiazem?

What are 3 signs or symptoms of RIGHT sided heart failure?
What is Peripheral edema, Weight gain, Distended Neck Veins (JVD), Anorexia, Nausea, Nocturia, Weakness, hepatomegaly, ascities, S3, fatigue,
Hyperkalemia causes what ectopy on the ECG/EKG?
What is are Tall T waves or Peaked T waves
What is the treatment for torsades de pointes?
What is IV Magnesium Sulfate?

This medication is given as quickly as possible as a 6 mg dose IV push. It is used to treat narrow, complex tachycardias such as SVT, PAT or PSVT. Lifting the extremity in which the drug is given will hasten the delivery of the drug to the heart.

What is adenosine?

What adventitious breath sound is associated with pulmonary edema?
What is Crackles or Rales
Hypokalemia causes what ectopy on the ECG/EKG?
What is PVC (Premature Ventricular Contraction/Complex ) or U wave
What are 3 modifiable risk factors for the becoming hypertensive?
What is Alcohol . Tobacco, Caffeine, Sedentary Lifestyle, Obesity, High salt diet, fat intake, oral contraceptives, stress

This drug is often used to treat symptomatic bradycardia. The usual dose is 0.5 mg every 3-5 minutes not to exceed a total of 3 mg. Any single dose less than 0.5 mg may CAUSE bradycardia.

What is atropine?

What are (3) nursing interventions for the care of a Heart Failure patient?
Low sodium diet, daily weight, I/O, limit fluid intake, elevate lower extremities, auscultate lungs, measure abdominal girth, provide rest periods after activity
Pt has chronic atrial fib, give (2) treatment of a-fib?
What is Amiodarone, ablation, warfarin, IV heparin
What acronym is associated with the acute treatment of MI?
What is M.O.N.A (Morphine, Oxygen, Nitro, Aspirin)

This medication comes in a 1:10,000 dilution and is given in 1 mg doses every 3-5 minutes for cardiac arrest, Vfib, pulseless VT, asytole, PEA and refractory bradycardia or hypotension. It can also be given for severe allergic reactions.

What is epinephrine?


What is the difference between SYSTOLIC left side heart failure and DIASTOLIC left heart failure?

Systolic left side heart failure is characterized by a reduction in left ventricular. Diastolic left side heart failure is characterized by a stiff or non compliant left ventricle.

Pt has pulse-less ventricular fibrillation give (2) treatments for this situation?
What is Defibrillation, CPR, Epinephrine
What laboratory result is more specific to myocardial injury?
What is Troponin

This medication slows conduction and prolongs the refractory period thereby slowing the heart rate down. If is given for Vfib, VT, pulseless VT, Afib, and Aflutter as a 300 mg dose IV push, and if no response is followed by a 150 mg dose in 3-5 minutes. If it works then a drip of the same drug is hung.

What is amiodarone?


The patient has advance heart failure, what organ would you need to provide the gold standard of treatment?

What is A heart transplant.

What laboratory value will indicate HF and what is the number?
What is BNP or Brain Naturetic Peptide over 100.
What are (3) signs of symptoms or cardiogenic shock and what are (2) treatments?
S/S= hypotension. tachycardia, cool, clammy skin, decreased urine output, chest pain, adventious breath sounds, cyanosis, Treatment IABP, vasopressors (Dopamine, norepinephrine) positive intoprope (dobutamine and milrinone