Medication that reduces vascular resistance during MI
What is nitroglycerin?
Stage where HR increases to improve cardiac output and respiratory rate increases to reduces acidosis.
What is compensatory?
Diagnostics to help identify ejection fraction
What is MRI, Echocardiogram, Cardiac Catheterization?
This wave shows the depolarization of the atria
What is the P-wave?
Fall in BP during inspiration by > 10 mmHg
What is the pulsus paradoxus?
Medication to be used to reduce BP in African American patients.
What is thiazide or CCB?
Stage when mental status declines due to hypo-perfusion.
What is progressive?
Procedure to widen the narrowed cardiac vessels
What is percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)?
When this happens, there are uncontrolled F waves in the atria and no discernable P-waves
What is atrial fibrillation?
This is the formula for cardiac output
What is Heart Rate (HR) x Stroke Volume (SV)?
For treatment of symptomatic bradycardia
What is atropine?
Formula for fluid resuscitation.
What is 30mL/kg?
Procedure when a rapid heart rate that is unresponsive to medication occurs.
Synchronized cardioversion
When this happens, there are constant PR intervals with dropped QRS complexes
What is 2nd degree AV block, type II?
This is the formula for Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP)
What is systolic + 2 (diastolic)/3
1st line vasopressor for septic shock
Shock state that leads to decreased cardiac output and pulmonary congestion.
What is cardiogenic?
Device that delivers an electrical impulse to shock the heart when a life-threatening rhythm occurs
Automatic implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (AICD)
When this happens, there is no organized cardiac rhythm on the ECG
What is ventricular fibrillation?
Factors that impact preload
What are venous blood pressure, fluid volume, and venous return?
Erectile dysfunction medication that can cause cardiovascular collapse if taken with ___________.
What is sildenafil and nitroglycerin?
List the steps of the sepsis bundle.
1. draw lactate
2. obtain blood cultures
3. administer broad spectrum abx
4. rapid IVF administration 30mL/kg
5. vasopressor support for hypotension
Clinical recommendation of door-to-balloon for percutaneous coronary intervention for STEMI.
60 minutes or less
This interval refers to the beginning of ventricular excitation to the end of ventricular repolarization
What is the Q-T interval?
Factors that increase afterload.
What is aortic stenosis, vascular tone, chronic HTN?