extra beat
outermost layer
tunica adventitia
What are the overflow valves
semilunar valves
what are valves made of
chordae tendineae, allows muscle to open and close
pericardium putting pressure on heart
middle layer
tunica media
how many layers of heart wall, what are they
3, endocardium, myocardium, epicardium
what are the normal heart sounds
'lub dub" s1 + s2 sounds
regurgitation of valve, Harding of vessel
innermost layer
tunica intima
4 chambers
R + L atrium, R + L ventricle
what does the coronary artery do
brings oxygen to heart
how the heart is pumping
what does each layer do
adventitia - protection
media - muscle
intima - connective tissue
what are the 4 valves
tricuspid, pulmonary, aortic, mitral
should Mrs. Holler reschedule the test???