questions 1-5

A nurse caring for a patient in one room is told by another nurse that another patient has developed a severe pulmonary edema.  On entering the room, the nurse would expect the patient to be: 

A slightly anxious

B Mildly anxious

C Moderately anxious

D Extremely anxious


A pt has frequent bursts of Ventricular tachycardia on the cardiac monitor.  A nurse is most concerned with this dysrhythmia because:

It can develop into Ventricular fibrillation at any time.


Which of the following is an expected outcome for a pt on the second day of hospitalization after an MI?

A) has severe chest pain

B) Can identify risk factors for MI

C) Agrees to participate in a cardiac rehab walking program

D) Can perform personal self-care activities without pain

Can perform personal self-care activities without pain


Captopril may be administered to a pt with HF because it acts as a:

A) vasopressor

B) volume expander

C) vasodilator

D) potassium-sparing diuretic

C) vasodilator


The most important factor in regulating the ccaliver of blood vessels, which determines resistance to flow is:

A) hormonal secreation

B) independent arterial wall activity

C) the influence of circulating chemicals

D) the sympathetic nervous system

D) the sympathetic nervous system


A patient with pulmonary edema has been on diuretic therapy.  The patient has an order for additional furosemide in the amount of 40 mg IV push.  Knowing that the pt also will be started on digoxin a nurse checks the clients most recent

potassium level


A home care nurse is making a routine visit to a pt receiving digoxin in the treatment of heart failure.  The nurse would particularly assess the pt for 

Anorexia, nausea, and visual disturbances


Which of the following reflects the principle on which a pts diet will most likely be based during the acute phase of MI?

small, easily digested meals

Furosemide is administered intravenously to a pt with HF.  How soon after administration shoud the nurse begin to see evidence of the drugs desired effects:

A) 5 to 10 minutes

B) 30 to 60 minutes

C) 2 to 4 hours

D) 6 to 8 hours

A) 5 to 10 minutes


With peripheral arterial insufficiency, leg pain during rest can be reduced by:

A) elevating the limb above the heart

B) lowering the limb so it is dependent

C) massaging the limb after application of cold compresses.

D) placing the limb in a plane horizontal to the body

B) lowering the limb so it is dependent


A pt who had cardiac surgery 24 hours ago has a urine output averaging 19mL/hr for 2 hours.  The pt received a single bolus of 500mL of IV fluid.  Urine output for the subsequent hour was 25 mL.  Daily lab results indicate the BUN is 45 mg/dL and the serum creatinine is 2.2 mg/dL.  The pt is at risk for what

acute renal failure


A pt with angina complains that the angina pain is prolonged and severe and occurs at the same time each day, most often in the morning. On further assessment a nurse notes that the pain occurs in the absence of precipitating factors.  This type of anginal pain is described as 

varient angina or prinzmetals angina


An older sedentary adult may not respond to emotional or physical stress as well as a younger person because of:

A) Left ventricular atrophy

B) irregular heartbeats

C) peripheral vascular occlusion

D) pacemaker placement

A) Left ventricular atrophy


Which of the following foods should the nurse teach the pt with HF to avoid or limit when following a 2 gram sodium diet?

A) apples

B) tomato juice

C) whole wheat bread

D) beef tenderloin

B) tomato juice


Buerger's disease is characterized by all of the following except:

A) arterial thrombosis formation and occlusion

B) lipid deposits in the arteries

C) redness or cyanosis in the limb when it is dependent.

D) venous inflammation and occlusion

B) lipid deposits in the arteries


You are preparing to ambulate a pt on the 3rd day after cardiac surgery.  What will you plan to do so the pt can best tolerate the ambulation?

premedicate the pt with an analgesic


The physician orders continous intervenous nitroglycerin infusion for the client with an MI.  essential nursing actions include which of the following:

A) obtaining an infusion pump for the medication

B) monitoring BP q 4 H

C) monitoring urine output

D) obtaining serum potassium levels daily

A) obtaining an infusion pump for the medication


Which of the following nursing diagnoses would be appropriate for a pt with heart failure

A) ineffective tissue perfusion related to decreased peripheral blood flow secondary to decreased cardiac output.

B) activity intolerance related to increased cardiac output

C) Decreased cardiac output related to structural and functional changes

D) impaired gas exchange related to decreased sympathetic nervous system activity

E) acute pain related to inability to meet the oxygen demands. 

A,C, and E


The nurse finds the apical pulse below the 5th intercostal space.  The nurse expects

A) left atrial enlargement

B) left ventricular enlargement

C) right atrial enlargement

D) right ventricular enlargement

B) left ventricular enlargement


A significant cause of venous thrombosis is:

A) altered blood coagulation

B) stasis of blood

C) vessel wall injury

D) all of the above

D) all of the above


A pts ECG shows atrial and ventricular rates of 80 complexes per minute.  The PR interval is 0.14 seconds and the QRS complex measures 0.08 seconds.  The nurse interprets this rhythm as

Normal sinus rhythm.


Aspirin is administered to the pt experiencing an MI because of its:

A) antipyretic action

B) Antithrombotic action

C) Antiplatelet action

D) Analgesic action

Antithrombotic action


which of the following would be a priority nursing diagnosis for the pt with heart failure and pulmonary edema?

A) risk for infection related to stasis of alveolar secretions

B) impaired skin integrity related to pressure

C) Activity intolerance related to pump failure

D) constipation related to immobility. 

C) activity intolerance related to pump failure


Which of the following arteries primarily feed the anterior wall of the heart?

A) circumflex artery 

B) internal mammary artery

C) left anterior descending artery

D) right coronary artery

C) left anterior descending artery


When caring for a pt who has started anticoagulant therapy with warfarin the nurse knows not to expect therapeutic benefits for 

A) 12 hours

B) 24 hours

C) 2-3 days

D) 1 week 

C) 2-3 days