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What is STEMI

Patient has a history of occasional exertional syncope with the following hemodynamics: -PCWP-normal -RAP –high What is the diagnosis?
What is Pulmonary hypertension, in other exam scenarios you may get additional clues such as physical exam findings of a loud P2, wide S2 split, inspiratory murmur of tricuspid regurgitation. The boards may require you to recognize pulmonary arterial hypertension solely from pulmonary catheter hemodynamics.
Outpatient age 30 years old with a family history of sudden cardiac death presents with: Fatigue Exertional dyspnea Chest pain with exertion Left ventricular lift Harsh, systolic, crescendo-decrescendo murmur at the left lower sternal border that decreases with squatting and handgrip and increases with Valsalva What is the diagnosis?
What is Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy- this patient we have no symptoms at all for years. The key to the prescription of the murmur discretion and to history of sudden death of a relative. This is often an autosomal dominant inheritance and the lesion was often found an athlete who died sudden death. ECG demonstrates left ventricular hypertrophy with septal Q waves. Treatments with beta blockers are verapamil plus or minus amiodarone to control arrhythmias.
Pregnant patient with no past medical history presents with one week of: Exertional dyspnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, cough with occasional hemoptysis, loud S1 and a loud P2 component of S2, diastolic snap sound audible at the apex, low pitched, diastolic rumble after this snap, heard only at the apex
What is Mitral stenosis- supposed to diastolic snap sound is best heard at the apex in the mitral area it is probably an opening snap. Diagnosis with echo, treatment his penicillin prophylaxis of group A strep infections in patients with known mitral stenosis to prevent recurrent rheumatic heart disease. Plan symptomatic treatment of heart failure at present. Warfarin for patients who have mitral stenosis and atrial fibrillation.
Where do Smurfs live?
What is Smurf village

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What is ashman

Patient presents confused, agitated and hypotensive with the following hemodynamics: PCWP-high RAP-high CO-low CARDIAC INDEX-low What is the diagnosis?
What is Cardiogenic shock- lots of causes including acute myocardial infarction, myocarditis, aortic dissection or tamponade, aortic stenosis, mitral stenosis, acute aortic regurgitation, acute mitral regurgitation, severe pulmonary embolism
neuropathy, proteinuria, hepatomegaly, low voltage ECG
What is amyloidosis
Findings include orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, and edema. Physical exam shows a holosystolic murmur that radiates to the left axilla the base. Hyperdynamic apical impulse. Decreased intensity of S1 and a widely split S2, and S3 and an increased P2.
What is Mitral regurgitation
How many countries are there
What is 196

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Patient with a history of hypertension presents with acute onset chest pain, diaphoresis, nausea and PCWP-high RAP-high CO-low CARDIAC INDEX-low Hypotension, JVD, clear lungs, ECG-sinus bradycardia, ST elevation in II,III,aVF
What is Right ventricular infarction
abnormal aminotransferase level, OA, DM2, ED, CHF
What is hemochromotosis
Generally asymptomatic but can cause chest pain, palpitations, syncope, dyspnea and embolic phenomenon. On physical exam, high-pitched midsystolic click is heard followed by a late systolic murmur that is loudest at the apex. Standing from a sitting position and performing the Valsalva causes the click and murmur to occur earlier. Squatting from a standing position delays the click and murmur and decreases the intensity.
What is Mitral valve prolapse
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What is vixen, skulk

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Treatment of Wolff Parkinson White
What is Procainamide or another class I or class III agent with wide-complex tachycardia especially when atrial fibrillation or preexcitation are present
characterized by acute LV dysfunction in the setting of physiologic stress, mimics acute MI with ST elevation and elevated biomarkers. Dilation and akinesis of LV/apex. Resolves within weeks of supportive care
What is takotsubo
Common primary cause of tricuspid regurgitation
What is Marfan syndrome, Ebstein anomaly, AV canal malformations
How many players are on the field for a lacrosse game for each team?
What is 10

What is this?


Fixed split S2, a pulmonary midsystolic murmur, tricuspid diastolic flow murmur, right parasternal lift
What is ASD
pathologic fibrofatty infiltration of the RV evident on biopsy, or by MRI. Manifests as significant RV enlargement out of proportion to preserved LV function or at VT and sudden death
What is arrhythmogenic RV dysplasia
Anticoagulation appropriate for an aortic prosthetic valve
What is 2.0-3.0 INR
What is the longest river in the world
What is the Amazon River