Renin Angiotensin-Aldosterone System (RAAS)
Calcium Channel Blockers (CCB)
Anti-dysrhythmic and Heart Failure Drugs
Hypertention and Beta Blocker Drugs
The suffix ending of angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) drugs
What is Sartan?
The most common adverse effects of all calcium channel blockers (CCB)
What is Constipation?
The theraputic uses of vasodilators
What is hypertension, angina pectoris and heart failure?
The goal of Class III drugs
What is to block Potassium Channel?
Reduce heart rate, reduced force of contraction and reduced velocity of impulse conduction through the atrioventricular (AV) node.
What is therapeutic use of beta blockers?
The important role of the renin angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS)
What is blood pressure, blood volume and fluid and electrolyte balance?
A nurse is teaching a patient about foods to avoid when taking calcium channel blockers, what important food should the nurse notify the patient about?
What is Grape Fruit?
The most serious adverse effect of Hydralazine
What is Systemic Lupus Erythematosus-like Sydrome (SLE)?
The effect that Class 1A agents can have on the ECG
What is widens the QRS complex and prolongs the QT intervals?
The patient is admitted to Emergency Room and the nurse is going to administer one of these drugs, Sodium nitroprusside, Fenoldopam, Labetalol or Diazoxide, what is the purpose of these drugs
What are drugs for Hypertensive Emergencies?
One of the major adverse effect of ACE inhibitors
What is Dry Cough?
The critical role of calcium channel blockers in the heart
What is helps regulates the myocardium, the SA node and AV node?
A syndrome a patient is at risk for when taking Minoxidil
What is Stevens-Johnson Syndrome?
The theraputic range the nurse should be aware of when monitoring plasma levels of digoxin
What is 0.5 to 0.8 ng/mL?
The patient is administered medication and immediately experiences these adverse effects: fluid retention, fatigue, hypotension, bradycardia or heart attack, what was the patient administered?
What is beta blockers
The most important drug that ACE inhibitors causes high toxic levels of
What is Lithium?
The drug that interacts and can cause toxicity when taking verapamil
What is Digoxin?
A nurse's is preparing to admininister Sodium Nitroprusside [Nitroprusside] and notices that the bag is blue, green and dark red, what should the nurse do?
What is Discard?
The patient is experiencing stages of heart failure, what stage is the patient in if he has no signs or symptoms of heart failure, but they have structural heart disease
What is Stage B?
Aspirin and other nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) (for example, ibuprofen) may counteract the blood pressure reducing effects of beta blockers.
What is drugs that beta blockers interact with?
A pregnant women is admitted to the ER after a car accident, what is the nurse's main concern before administering an ACE inhibitor or ARB
What trimester is the patient in?
The drug class that might be prescribed to minimize the adverse effects of reflex tachycardia while taking CCB
What is Beta Blockers (Metoprolol)?
A doctor orders the patient to have a infusion of nitroprusside, the nurse forgets to monitor the time of the infusion and the patient exhibits toxic results of?
What is Cyanide poisoning and Thiocyanate toxicity?
A nurse is assessing the skin of a patient who is taking Amiodarone, what is the main adverse effect should the nurse be aware of
What is blue gray discoloration of the skin?
Weight reduction, sodium restriction, DASH diet, Alcohol restriction, Exercise and Smoking Cessation.
What are nursing implications / lifestyle modifications for hypertensive patients?