Arteri/o mean's what?
Endo- means what
in; within
The lungs convert oxygenated poor blood to what?
a condition where your heart beats fewer than 60 times per minute, which is unusually slow. This condition may be dangerous if it keeps your heart from pumping enough blood to meet your body's needs.
Normal Blood pressure is defined by what mmHG? Systolic over Diastolic
Cardi/o means what?
Brady- means what?
Is a heart condition where the heart beats faster than normal, usually more than 100 beats per minute while resting.
the rhythmic throbbing generated by contractions of the heart that is detected over the major arteries of the body is known as what
Electr/o means what?
-gram means what?
Record or image
How many valves are located within the heart
Daily Double can you name all?
4. R and L ventricle, aortic and pulmonary valve
Is a life-threatening heart rhythm that causes the heart's ventricles to quiver instead of pump blood. It's the most common cause of sudden cardiac death.
Ventricular Fibrillation
A noninvasive diagnostic method that uses ultrasound to visualize internal cardiac structures
Sept/o means what?
Wall or partition
-meter means what?
Oxygen and Nutrients are transferred at what part of the cardiovascular system
Capilaries or Capilary Beds
Is a common heart rhythm abnormality that causes the upper chambers of the heart to beat too quickly and irregularly
Atrial Flutter
The recording of the electrical activity of the heart is know as what
electrocardiogram or EKG/ECG
Son/o means what
-stenosis means what?
narrowing or tightening
The right side of the heart transports what type of oxygenated blood
Is a heart condition that causes an irregular and rapid heartbeat in the heart's upper chambers.
A-Fib or Atrial Fibirillation
Inflammation of the myocardium is known as what