Prefix meaning slow
What is 'brady-'?
Prefix meaning glue
What is 'gli/o'?
Prefix meaning fast
What is 'tachy-'?
CHF meaning
What is 'congestive heart failure'?
What is 'an abnormal fluid buildup within a space'?
Prefixes meaning vessel
What are 'ang/o' and 'angi/o'?
Prefixes meaning brain
What are 'cerebr/o' and 'encephal/o'?
Prefix meaning gray
What is 'poli/o'?
ECG meaning
What is 'electrocardiogram'?
Word for abnormally slow or completely stopped blood flow in a vein
What is 'venostatis'?
Definition of '-rrexis'
What is to 'break/rupture'?
Definition of 'mening/o'
What is 'meninges, the three membranes enclosing the brain/spinal cord'?
Definition of 'valvul/o'
What is 'valve'?
CVP meaning
What is 'central venous pressure'?
Afferent nerve meaning
What is 'carries input to the CNS'?
Definition of hemorrhage
What is 'excessive flow of blood'?
Definition of leptocephaly
What is 'abnormally small, thin head'?
What is 'wasting away of brain tissue'?
CSF meaning
What is cerebral spinal fluid?
What is 'sulci'?
Word for narrow arteries
What is 'arterostenosis'?
Word for lack of coordination
What is 'ataxia'?
Word for disease of nerves
What is 'neuropathy'?
The sixth cranial nerve and its function
What is 'abducens nerve' and eye movement
Word for when the pericardial sac fills with so much fluid, the heart cannot beat anymore due to lack of space, since the pericardium is not elastic.
What is 'cardiac tamonade'?