What is the cardiac enzymes most often used to diagnose MI. 

 troponin levels 


what is angina and what are its s/s?

Angina pectoris: Means “pain in the chest” - it is caused by narrowing of cardiac arteries, leaving myocardium short of oxygenated blood.  S/S include severe chest pain described as chest pressure, chest tightness, pain in left arm. Pain may also spread to neck, jaw, and/or back. 


what is difference between ARTERIOsclerosis and ATHEROsclerosis?

•Arteriosclerosis: hardening of arteries and loss of elasticity 

•Atherosclerosis: narrowing of the arteries caused by buildup of plaque on lining 


what is afib?

a heart condition that causes an irregular and often rapid heart rhythm, the heart quivers or fibrillates 


. what is radiopaque dye? 

. what should the nurse ask about before these procedures?

1. Radiopaque agents are drugs used to help diagnose certain medical problems. They contain iodine, which blocks x-rays. it builds up in certain areas of the body and the resulting high level of iodine allows the x-rays to make a "picture" of the area.

check kidney function and shellfish allergy. 


what is a cardiac catheterization? 

Cardiac catheterization is the insertion of a catheter into a chamber or vessel of the heart. •Cardiac Catheterization: used to obtain information about heart defects, measure oxygen concentration, determine cardiac output, or assess the status of the heart’s structures and chambers. Uses radiopaque dye to find defects. This is done both for diagnostic and interventional purposes.


s/s of left sided heart failure? s/s of right sided heart failure?

Left sided: back up of fluid into lungs, S/S include  SOB, cough, orthopnea, crackles and rales

Right sided: back up of fluid in the Rest of the body - s/s include edema and ascites, JVD, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly


where might pain from an MI radiate to?

the left shoulder and left arm


What is pernicious anemia? 

deficiency in B12


1. is a cardiac catheterization invasive?

2. What should the PACU nurse be monitoring?

1. yes

2. monitor vitals for s/s of hemorrhage. keep patient on bedrest-laying flat, monitor the insertion site for bleeding-sandbag may be placed on site for pressure to stop bleeding, and circulation/sensation in the affected leg or arm.


what is an angioplasty

a nonsurgical procedure that uses a balloon to open narrowed or blocked arteries.


what are varicose veins? risk factors and s/s patients c/o?

Varicose veins: weakening of the valves of veins, causing blood to pool in the vessel, often the legs. 

Risk factors include prolonged standing, pregnancy, obesity, HTN, and chronic diseases of the liver or kidneys.

s/s: Fatigue, pain and heaviness 


what is the difference between stable angina pain and an MI? 

MI Differs from stable angina pain, as MI pain does not disappear with rest and/or nitroglycerin


what is an aneurysm?

where is pain felt if your pain has an abdominal aneurysm?

An aneurysm is an outpouching of a blood vessel. Most common site is the aorta.



What are some precautions after pacemaker surgery?

Don't engage in excessive physical activity, including movements like leaning on your left arm or stretching your left arm overhead or behind you. Don't lift heavy objects, (like a heavy purse, child, dog or cat, especially with the left arm as that is the side of the pacemaker.  


what is Buerger's disease?

•Buerger's disease is an obstruction of the arteries in the extremities, especially the legs. 

First symptom is leg cramping during exercise, relieved with rest. Legs will be purple when dangled, abnormally pale when elevated. Can lead to ulcers and amputation. Smoking main risk factor


With pulmonary edema should your patient be resting comfortably with the HOB flat? why/why not?

nurse should place patient in HIGH-FOWLERS position



what are the most common signs and symptoms of HTN? 

.S/S include fatigue, headache, dyspnea, edema, nocturia. Commonly, the first and most common symptom is headache


what can causes thickening of the lining of the arteries? 

 It is caused by a buildup of plaque in the inner lining of an artery due to excess fat in the blood


t or f?  a patient collapses from V-fib. the nurse should get help at the nurses station?

FALSE: the nurse should call a code and start CPR 


what disease causes spasmodic narrowing of peripheral arteries with symptoms that often include coldness, pain, blanching, & cyanosis of fingers in reaction to stress and/or cold. 

Raynauds phenomenon


 interventions for DVT? Risk factors?

•INTERVENTIONS FOR DVT: immobilize the affected part to avoid embolus and possible death!!•Prevent vigorous coughing or deep breathing. Try to keep the client from straining when defecating; administer stool softeners, as ordered. •Enforce bed rest. start anticoagulant therapy.

RISK FACTORS: inactivity, Obesity, smoking, trauma, surgery, excessive coagulability of blood, some drugs such as birth control, all risks


older clients may develop hypotension. what is this and what interventions might you - the nurse- need to implement?

The nurse would implement safety measures like fall precautions and having the client rise slowly when getting up from a seated or laying position


t or f? the 1st intervention the nurse should perform when a patient is having an MI is to administer morphine?

FALSE - THE NURSE should administer oxygen


What are the priority interventions for patient with sickle cell crisis 

oxygen, fluids and pain management