Cardiovascular 1
Cardiovascular 2
Cardiovascular 3
Cardiovascular 4
Cardiovascular 5

The primary function of the heart is to?

What is circulate blood?

Which portion of the heart, when weakened by a heart attack, is responsible for causing fluid to back up into the alveoli?

What is the left ventricle?


If a clot occludes the blood flow through the coronary artery, what will occur first?

What is the flow of oxygen rich blood to the muscle of the ventricle will be decreased?


A patient has a low platelet count.  Based on this finding, which complication is he most at risk for?

What is bleeding?


For the EMT to administer aspirin in the prehospital setting, which of these criteria must be met?

a. approval from medical direction

b. patient has a prescription for aspirin

c. age younger than 65 years

d. systolic blood pressure greater than 100mmHg

What is A?


When administering aspirin to a patient with chest discomfort that is suggestive of a heart attack, the EMT recognizes that this medication will benefit the patient by:

a. breaking up the blood clot that is occluding the coronary artery

b.  treating the headache that may occur when nitro is administered

c. decreasing the ability of the -platelets in the blood to form clots

d.  decreasing the chest pain caused by the possible heart attack

What is C?


The EMT shows she is correctly administering aspirin to a patient with chest pain when she provides?

What is 325mg of baby aspirin and instructs the patient to chew it?


Prior to administering nitroglycerin to a patient with chest pain, the EMT must ensure that:

What is that The nitroglycerin is prescribed for the patient.


You are completing the prehospital care report and are documenting the fact that you assisted a patient in taking his nitroglycerin pill.  How will you document the route of administration?

what is sublingual?


what action is essential that the EMT take prior to assisting the patient in taking his nitroglycerin tablet?

What is evaluating the patient's blood pressure?


A patient with chest pain and shortness of breath informs you that the last time he had a heart attack, he went into heart failure.  When performing your secondary assessment, which sign or symptom is most indicative that the patient is in heart failure again?

What is crackles in the lungs?


Which of these statements would the EMT expect from a patient with unstable angina?

a. When i stop what I am doing  the pain goes away

b.  if i take a nitro tablet, the pain stops.

c.  The chest pain awakens me from my night time sleep

d. The antacid my doctor prescribed seems to take the pain away

What is c?


The EMT shows that she understands the difference between classic angina and an acute myocardial infarction when she states?

A.  Classic angina occurs when the heart rate becomes too fast; an acute MI is the result of coronary artery disease

B.  Classic angina is not accompanied by other symptoms like shortness of breath; the chest pain with an acute MI is.

C.  The pain in an acute MI is typically described as stabbing; the pain with classic angina is more pressure - like

D.  An acute myocardial infarction results in the death of cardiac tissue; classic angina does not.

What is D?


You are assessing a patient in heart failure.  Which sign or symptom seemingly indicates that the ventricle is the cause of heart failure?

What is Crackles in the bases of both lungs?


The EMT recognizes the cause of heart failure as ?

What is inadequate ejection of blood from the left ventricle?


You have been called to an office building for a 47 year old  male patient complaining of chest pain.  He is alert, oriented, and complaining of mild pain in his chest that came on suddenly about 15 minutes ago.  Airway, breathing and circulation are intact, and his skin is diaphoretic and cool.  What should you do first?

What is obtain a heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, and Spo2 reading?

The emt should suspect a patient has angina when he takes which medication?

What is Nitroglycerin?


You have just arrived by the side of a 68 yr old male patient who complains of chest pain.  After determining his airway is patent and breathing adequate , it is important that you perform which action next?

What is check radial pulse?


A Patient complains of chest pain that radiates into his neck and arms.  The primary assessment reveals a patent airway, adequate breathing, and a strong regular radial pulse.  The patient's skin is warm and dry, and reveals no sign of inadequate perfusion.  what should you do next?

What is check vital signs?


Which of these statements made by the patient should cause the EMT to suspect an abdominal aortic aneurysm?

A.  I have belly pain that I also feel in my back

B.  My heart is beating so hard, you ca feel it on my chest.

C.  The pain is sharp and spreads to both arms?

D.  I seem to be vomiting up some blood.

What is A?


After blood moves into the right ventricle, it next moves into the?

What is the pulmonary artery?


The primary pacemaker site of the heart is?

what is the sinoatrial node?


An obstruction of the pulmonary artery will cause ?

What is backup of blood in the right side of the heart?


To save additional heart muscle from dying when a patient suffers an acute myocardial infarction which treatment must occur?

What is relieving the obstruction in the coronary arteries?

Which sign or symptom would the EMT typically associate with congestive heart failure?

What is crackles in both lungs?