Nursing Care
The House Doctor
This chamber of the heart is the hardest working, and works 6 times harder than its partner chamber.
What is Left Ventricle
This node normally initiates every heartbeat and is termed the pacemaker of the heart
What is the Sinoatrial (SA) node
Nurse Sue knows to listen to an apical heart rate for this amount of time if the patient has an irregular heart rhythm.
What is at least 1 minute
This diagnostic test is done at the bedside and records the patients heart rhythm in 12 different leads
What is and Electrocardiogram (EKG; ECG)
The "lubb" or S1 heart sound is made be the closure of what 2 valves
What is Mitral (bicuspid) and Tricuspid
You are assessing a 60 y/o patient. You note the patient's pulse rate is 40 bpm. He does not take any medications. You know that the heart beat is most likely being initiated by this node.
What is atrioventricular node (40-60)
This is the "housing" of the heart muscle and helps to prevent friction
What is epicardium
Nurse Heather are caring for a patient who has undergone a transesophageal echocardiogram. She knows that it safe to give the patient fluids when this returns
What is gag reflex
These four isoenzymes are known to as cardiac biomarkers for the heart damage and are typically ordered as serial lab studies.
What is CK, Ck-Mb, Troponin I, and myoglobin
The closure of these makes the characteristic "dupp" (S2) sound in the cardiac cycle.
What is aortic and pulmonary semilunar valves
Heart beats initiated at this node does not beat fast enough to sustain adequate cardiac output.
What is Bundle of HIS
This area of the pulmonary system is the only region of the body in which veins carry oxygenated blood.
What is Pulmonary veins (4)
Nurse Scarlett informs her patient that she experience a warm sensation throughout their body because this substance will be injected into their arteries.
What is IV dye
A person who has had a recent surgery or is on bed rest due to illness is at increased risk of this
What is DVT (deep vein thrombosis)
The innermost lining of are composed of squamous cell tissue in order to prevent this
What is a blood clot
This chemical (neurotransmitter) stimulates the heart to increase in rate and intensity, increasing systolic blood pressure and cardiac output.
What is epinepherne
The outermost layer of an artery is composed of this tissue in order to prevent rupture of there artery (under pressure).
What is fibrous tissue
Nurse Kayla has a patient who is a taking glucophage to control her diabetes. She is undergoing a CT scan with contrast today. Nurse Kayla knows that the patient understands discharge instructions when the patient states that she should not take the glucophage for this amount of time.
What is 72 hours.
Nurse Rhonda is presenting a preventative c are luncheon for the middle aged adults in her community. She recommends they take OTC medication daily in order to reduce heart disease.
What is heart disease
A normal CVP (central venous pressure) is 2-6 mm Hg. A CVP reading of 12 mm Hg would indicate the patient is experiencing this
What is fluid volume overload
These devices are placed on the lower extremities while a patient is on bed rest and periodically inflate with area in order to prevent venous stasis and clot formation.
What is Sequential Compression Devices (intermittent)
Nurse Kelly is assisting during a bed bath on a patient who has been bedridden recently due to illness. After care of the patient, the nurse noted that her hand print remained in the patient's skin at the sacral area. She knows this condition is known as
What is pitting edema
Nurse Quotesha is caring for a patient who has just undergone a cardiac catherization with angioplasty. She knows that the patient must remain in this position for several hours after the procedure.
What is supine
Nurse Julie is is performing orthostatic vital signs on a patient who is experiencing dizziness and weakness. She knows that a drop in systolic blood pressure of this many points is indicative of orthostatic hypotension.
What is 15 mm Hg (or more)