What do the veins carry?
Oxygen-poor blood
What does the heart do?
Pumps blood into arteries
What is the main cause of death in the U.S.?
Congestive heart failure
What happens at the Capillary level?
Gas Exchange
How many parts are in the Cardiovascular System?
6 parts
Cause of DVT?
Damage to a vein from surgery or inflammation and damage due to infection or injury.
What does the Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone help with?
Help with blood pressure, vascular resistance, and electrolyte balance.
What is blood composed of?
Platelets, plasma, and red and white blood cells
Cause of CHF?
caused by plaque buildup in the wall of the arteries that supply blood to the heart.
What part of the blood fights infections?
White blood cells
What do the blood vessels comprise of?
Capillaries, veins, and arteries in your body.
Risk factors of CHF?
Diabetes, high blood pressure, and obesity.
What part of the blood creates blood clots?
What percent of blood is plasma?
Treatment for CHF?
Stage A: exercise, no drugs, better diet.
Stage B: prescribed medicine, surgery.
Stage C: both a and b but super restricted.
Stage D: heart transplant, Ventricular assist
devices, and heart surgery