What is the liquid component of blood
What is the natural pacemaker of the heart?
SA Node
what is the only vein in the body to transport oxygenated blood?
pulmonary vein
V Fib or Ventricular Fibrillation
the term for abnormal electrical activity in the heart
Which formed element of the blood is involved in fighting infections?
the term for "shocking" the heart to regain a normal heart rhythm
Which valve separates the right atrium from the right ventricle?
tricuspid valve
Painful dilation and bulging of the veins that occurs from pregnancy, prolonged standing/sitting, or age
varicose veins
This is an ultrasound that uses sound waves to take a moving picture of the heart and heart structures
Which formed element of blood is involved in clotting and maintaining hemostasis in the body?
The universal donor
This structure transports blood from the right ventricle of the heart to the lungs
pulmonary artery
Maria has a genetic disease where her body does not produce enough clotting proteins. She has difficulty stopping the bleeding when she gets cut or injured. What disease does Maria have?
the complex protein on blood cells that recognizes "self" from "not self"
Explain the relationship between erythrocytes and hemoglobin
hemoglobin attached to erythrocytes. O2 and CO2 bind to hemoglobin and are transported through the blood stream by erythrocytes
The universal recipient
Which circuit pumps oxygenated blood from the heart to the body and tissues
systemic circuit
embolus, embolism, emboli
Billy has crushing chest pain that spreads to his left arm. He is pale, short of breath and sweating profusely. He has a condition caused by a blockage of the coronary arteries surrounding the walls of the heart. What is the proper medical name for Billy's diagnosis?
Myocardial Infarction
Where are the formed elements of blood produced and what is that process called?
Bone marrow and lymph tissue through the process of hematopoiesis
Your patient has B- blood, which of the 8 blood types could they safely receive during a blood transfusion (must get them all correct for credit)
B-, O-
(B is not compatible with A and neg Rh factor is not compatible with any + Rh blood)
Explain the difference between veins and arteries (more than 1 answer)
veins have valves to prevent backflow,
veins are more elastic than arteries and rely on skeletal muscle contraction to pump blood
veins carry blood to the heart, arteries carry blood away from the heart
Jerry is experiencing edema in his extremities, excess fluid in the abdomen, and distended neck veins. Dr. Barker dx Jerry with a condition of inadequate pumping by the right side of his heart and placed him on a fluid pill to help with the build up of fluid he is experiencing. What is Jerry's medical diagnosis?
Carolyn eats Kentucky Fried Chicken and smokes a pack of cigarettes per day. She does not exercise and has high cholesterol levels from her poor lifestyle choices. Carolyn ignored warnings from her healthcare providers and now has symptoms of fatty cholesterol plaque building up and restricting blood flow through the arteries of her body. What condition does Carolyn have?