Cardiovascular Disorders
Cardiovascular Nursing
Respiratory Disorders
Respiratory Nursing

10 electrodes

What is the number of electrodes for a 12-lead EKG?


Inflammation of the pericardium

What is pericarditis?


Pharmacological means for VTE prevention and treatment

What are anticoagulants?


Respiratory tract infection that causes whooping cough

What is Pertussis?

How to control nosebleeds

What is seated position leaning slightly forward head tilted forward and applying direct pressure by squeezing the entire soft lower part of the nose together for 5-15 minutes and seeking medical assistance if it does not stop within 15 minutes


F waves with saw-toothed pattern

What is Atrial Flutter?


First line treatment for patients with confirmed STEMI (i.e., ST-elevation and positive cardiac biomarkers)

What is emergent PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention)?


Which interventions can the nurse delegate to UAP for a patient diagnosed with mitral stenosis and new-onset atrial fibrillation?

a) Obtain and record daily weight

b) Determine apical-radial pulse rate

c) Observe for overt signs of bleeding

d) Teach the patient how to avoid bruising and bleeding

e) Obtain and record vital signs, including pulse oximetry

a, c, & e


Abnormal entry of material from the mouth or stomach into the trachea and lungs

What is Aspiration Pneumonia?


Finding that leads you to suspect flail chest for a patient with several traumatic injuries after a multiple-vehicle accident?

a) Chest-tube draining bright red blood

b) Tracheal deviation to the unaffected side

c) Paradoxical chest movement during respiration

d) Little to no movement of the involved chest wall

What is c


f waves that you might use cardioversion to restore to NSR

What is Atrial Fibrillation?


Long-term consequence of rheumatic fever

What is valvular heart disease?


Which intervention would be the priority in a patient just admitted with heart failure secondary to dilated cardiomyopathy?

a) Encourage caregivers to learn CPR

b) Consider a consultation with hospice for palliative care

c) Monitor the patient's response to prescribed medication

d) Arrange for the patient to enter a cardiac rehabilitation program

What is c


Abnormal collection of fluid in the pleural space

What is a pleural effusion? 

A chest x-ray or CT reveal the volume and location of the effusion

Nursing care of a patient with Stage 4 lung cancer would include:

a) Coordinating a referral to palliative care

b) Limiting visitors to decrease infection risk

c) NPO status and starting parenteral nutrition

d) Avoiding talking about the cancer diagnosis

What is a


"Longer, longer, longer, drop..."

What is "now you have a Wenckebach"?


Risk factors for aortic aneurysms

What are tobacco use, hypertension, CAD, family hx, high cholesterol, lower extremity PAD, previous stroke, obesity, etc.


Which intervention is a priority in nursing management of a patient with myocarditis?

a) Providing meticulous skincare

b) Assuring tight glycemic control

c) Administering antibiotic prophylaxis

d) Monitoring oxygenation and ventilation

What is d?


Occurs when air enters the pleural space but cannot escape. Tracheal deviation is a very late sign of this.

What is a tension pneumothorax?


Most common early manifestations of ARDS

What is dyspnea & tachypnea?


A run of 3 or more PVCs

What is Ventricular Tachycardia?


Biomarker that allows more rapid detection of MI & biomarker that helps quantify myocardial damage

What is high-sensitivity cardiac troponin test? & What is CK-MB?


Select all that apply in a patient with acute lower extremity VTE:

a) Pallor and coolness of foot and calf

b) Mild to moderate calf pain and tenderness

c) Grossly decrease or absent pedal pulses

d) Unilateral edema and induration of the thigh

e) Palpable cord along a superficial varicose vein

What is b & d?


Enlargement of the right ventricle cause by a primary respiratory disorder, usually COPD

What is Cor pulmonale?


Expected physical assessment finding in a client with advanced COPD:

a) Increased anteroposterior chest diameter. 

b) Underdeveloped neck muscles. 

c) Collapsed neck veins. 

d) Increased chest excursions with respiration. 

A. Increased anteroposterior chest diameter.

Increased anteroposterior chest diameter is characteristic of advanced COPD. Air is trapped in the overextended alveoli, and the ribs are fixed in an inspiratory position. The result is the typical barrel-chested appearance. In addition, coarse crackles beginning with inspiration may be heard.