Old Testament
New Testament
Follower of Jesus

Who were the first people that God created?

Adam and Eve!


Who is welcome at God's table?



Did Jesus love or hate children?

Jesus loved Children! 


What is something that a follower of Jesus does?

Name one:

Believes that Jesus died and rose again, follows God's/the Bible's teachings, prays, goes to church, reads the Bible, and spends time with other people who believe in God. 


Is God still working and helping people today in our world?

Yes, God is still at work and helping people! 


How did evil and sin enter the world?

Adam and Eve ate the apple that God told them not to.


What happened on the third day after Jesus died?

He rose from the dead! 


What do we celebrate during Christmas time?

Jesus' birth! 


What is prayer?

Prayer is talking with God! You can talk with God about anything! 


What image did God create humans in?

God created humans in His image! Meaning God created us with love and to know and be in relationship with Him! 


Who was the leader that lead the Israelites out of Egypt, through the Red Sea, and into the desert?



What kind of news did Jesus come to preach?

Jesus came to preach good news!

Jesus talked about setting people free from sin and helping those who are hurting!


How did Jesus die?

Jesus was betrayed and died on a cross


Who is someone close to you that you can ask about being a follower of Jesus?

Your leaders at the after school program! 


What is hope?

Hope is something that you want to happen


What did God ask Abraham to give up after he made him a promise that he would have lots of children?

His son!

Bonus 100 points if they know the name, Isaac!


Who is the helper that God gave us when Jesus left the earth?

The Holy Spirit! 


Who did Jesus eat with that other people got upset at him for?

Jesus ate with sinners and other people that were not liked during that time. 


How can you become a follower of Jesus?

Believe in your heart and live out your faith in Jesus by following His commands, and tell others about Him! 


What does it mean to put your hope in Jesus?

Putting your hope in Jesus means that you are waiting for Jesus to follow through on the promises He made!

How many plagues did God send to make sure that Pharaoh let His people go?

10 plagues! 

Extra 100 points if you can name one of the plagues:

Water turning to blood, frogs, lice, flies, livestock pestilence, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and the killing of firstborn children.


What was something the early church did together?

Name one:

Ate together, learned more about God together, prayed together, shared resources and money, and praised God.


What did Jesus tell His disciples before He left the earth?

He told them to go and make more disciples/ followers of God!


What is a follower of Jesus called?

A disciple! 


What is a promise that Jesus made that we have been focusing on this year?

That Jesus will make all things new! There will one day be a place where there will be no more death, crying, pain, or bad things!