Social Skills
Work Skills
Life Skills

True or False: If I need something, it is ok to walk into my supervisor’s office without knocking

False - Always knock before entering an office 


What is something you can do at work if you come across an angry customer or guest?

Contact your supervisor or a more experienced worker and ask for help 


Where should you store cheese? In the refrigerator or in the cupboard?



Is it a good idea to brush your tongue? 

Yes! You should always brush your tongue when brushing your teeth to get rid of bacteria. 

Give an example of nonverbal communication

Smile; frown; eye contact; etc. 


True or False: If someone does not immediately answer me, I should repeatedly ask the question until they answer

False: You should wait for the person to be ready to answer. Be patient and say "excuse me" before politely asking the question again. 


You are scheduled to be at work at 9:00am, but you checked your Palm Tran and it’s running late. What should you do?

Contact your supervisor/job trainer as soon as possible and let them know what time your bus will arrive at work. 


If I am asked to wash dishes during cooking, is it a big deal or little deal? How can I respond?


Sure! No Problem!


Before cooking, after using the bathroom, or after touching anything dirty I should ____.

Wash my hands with soap and water


Give two examples of how to contact your supervisor/job trainer if you’re running late for work

Call or text 


True or False: It is ok to name call someone if you explain to the person that you were just joking

False: It’s important to not name call others even if you’re joking. Always use kind words.


You see that your breakroom is messy. There are napkins on the floor and crumbs everywhere. It’s not normally your job to clean.

Make time before you have to go back to work to clean up the breakroom 

If I need someone's attention, I walk up to them and say

Excuse me, or Hello


Name three healthy vegetables 

Answers may vary


When is it ok to use your cell phone at work?

On break; before and after your shift.


A friend asks you for a different friend’s phone number. What should you do?

Let the friend know that you need to ask for permission before giving out someone else’s phone number.


What is it called when you see something that needs to be done and you do it without anyone asking you to:

  • Taking initiative
  • Standing up for yourself
  • Making excuses

  • Taking initiative

What should you do if you start to not feel well at work?

Let your supervisor know – ask if you can take a break. If you need to go home, get permission, and arrange for someone you pick you up. Always let your team know when you leave early.


What should you do if you feel sick when you wake up for school or work? Should you:

A: Go to school/work and hope you feel better later

B: Call your teacher/supervisor and let them know you are sick and you do not want to risk getting anyone else sick so you need to stay home.

B: Call your teacher/supervisor and let them know you are sick and you do not want to risk getting anyone else sick so you need to stay home.


What does eye contact show the person you’re talking with?

Eye contact communicates that you are listening and care about what another person is saying.


Give an example of a question you can ask a new student or coworker to help them feel comfortable in their new environment 

Where are you from?

What do you like to do for fun?


What is customer service?

Answers may vary - help customers find what they're looking for; offer assistance; etc. 


What does it mean to be a self-advocate? 

Standing up for yourself! 


Which is a better choice to drink with your lunch: Soda or Water?

WATER - Soda contains a large amount of sugar and can cause health problems. Water is always a better choice.


What does 'bilingual' mean? 

bilingual = two languages

I am bilingual = I speak two languages