Job Statistics
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11 is the average number of these held between the ages of 18 and 44.
What are jobs?
An opportunity for CVU Juniors and Seniors to get high school credit AND hands-on training to help prepare them for their future jobs.
What are the Tech Centers:Center for Technology Essex and Burlington Technical Center?
The State of Vermont, UVM, Fletcher Allen and IBM are the top four of these in Vermont.
What are Vermont's four largest employers
You could be paying $27,000 per year at these versus $8,000 per year at these.
What is the cost difference between the tuition at private vs. public colleges in 2010?
95% of job seekers draw on this social resource to aid them in finding a job.
What is networking?
This program gives you the opportunity to get certified in a trade while working in that field.
What is the State of Vermont's Apprenticeship Program?
Cringing at the thought of going to school for 4 more years after high school? Well, as luck would have it, 13 out of the 30 fastest growing occupations require this degree or vocational certification.
What is a 2-year associates degree?
This difference causes people to earn $2.1 million over their lifetimes versus $1.2 million (almost double the amount).
What is the difference in earnings between someone with a bachelor's degree compared to someone with a high school diploma?
It's twice as likely to be unemployed without this educational accomplishment.
What is a bachelor's degree?
Name two of the three programs MaryAnne Gatos runs to aid students in finding a potential career path.
What are Grad Challenge, Job Shadow Days and DUO? (Have to name two of these.)
51 million of these are projected to be open (available) between 2008 and 2018.
What are jobs?
In addition to your salary, some job contracts include: 401k (retirement plan) Paid time off (vacation time, personal time, sick time) Medical & dental insurance Professional development funds Daycare
What are benefits?
According to the General Social Survey, being a Clergy Member, Firefighter, Counselor or Physical Therapist all have this positive job attribute in common.
What are satisfying or rewarding jobs?
One of the two opportunities to take classes online in subjects that interest you but are not offered at CVU.
What is Virtual High School & Brigham Young University online courses?
After serving in the _______ for 36+ months, 100% of your college tuition will be covered.
What is the Military or Armed Services?
The opportunity to take one college course FOR FREE!
What is Dual Enrollment?
Looking online for a job? This is the best place to find a job online (half are found here).
What are companies' web sites?
A computer program that will help you learn and discover more about yourself, careers, majors and colleges.
What is Naviance?
Personal values, interests and skill sets are important considerations when searching for this.
What is a career/job?
This organization disperses grant money that Vermonters can use to pay tuition bills at colleges both in and out of state.
What is VSAC?