Someone who draws blood, listens to your heartbeat, takes your blood pressure, and helps the doctor.
Who is a nurse?
Does a lawyer need to go to college?
Yes. It takes about 7 years of college to be a lawyer.
A job that uses paint, clay, paper, colored pencils and canvas.
Who is an artist or art teacher?
At least 2 subjects you should work on in school if you wanted to be an author when you grow up.
What are reading, writing, and technology?
These are two jobs that you might enjoy if you like being outdoors.
Who are an animal trainer, landscaper, construction worker, farmer, road construction worker, electrician, or groundskeeper?
Someone who writes lesson plans, grades exams, assists students and meets with parents.
Who is a teacher?
Do you need to go to college to be a chef?
Usually. While some chefs might work their way up in the field, most have specific post-secondary training at a technical college or a culinary school.
A farmer uses at least three of these tools in order to do his/her job.
What are a tractor, combine, truck, computer, hammer, wrench, or tiller?
These are two careers in which you would need to use math.
What are an accountant, scientist, architect, business manager, investor, banker, cashier, math teacher, or engineer?
These are three jobs that you might enjoy if you were interested in music.
Who are a songwriter, publicist, producer, singer, band member, orchestra member, or manager of a music studio?
Someone who gives out loans, counts money and invests money.
Who is a banker?
What type of training do you need to be a commercial airline pilot?
A four year college degree, 2 months of ground training, at least 1500 hours of flight time and a commercial pilot's license.
A marine biologist uses at least three of these tools in his/her job.
What are a computer, wetsuit (and other snorkeling or SCUBA gear), microscope, camera, boat, log book, and tracking equipment?
These are two subjects that would be important in school if you wanted to be a veterinarian.
What are science, reading and math?
These are three jobs you could have as an adult if you were interested in sports.
Who are a professional athlete, sports writer, sportscaster, sports photographer, sports agent, physical therapist, coach, or trainer?
Someone who works in a lab, does experiments, and uses a microscope.
Who is a scientist?
How many years of college does your teacher have?
Let's ask.
A sergeant in the Army might use at least 3 of the following tools.
What are weapons, a tank, a jeep, a computer or a radio?
These are three jobs in which reading is very important.
What are an editor, sports writer, author, librarian, teacher, publicist, advertising executive or blogger?
As someone who likes to travel, this might be a great job for you.
Who is a travel agent, a travel guide, an international business person, a pilot, a salesperson, a model, an actor or a professional athlete?
Someone who designs homes, plans buildings, works with computer-assisted drafting software, and works closely with builders and interior designers.
Who is an architect?
How many years of college and training does it take to be a doctor?
12-15 years - 4 years of undergrad, 4 years of medical school and 3-7 years of training (residency)
A job that uses wire testers, pliers, wire strippers, and voltmeters.
Who is an electrician?
These are four jobs in which science is very important.
What are a dentist, physical therapist, pediatrician, occupational therapist, biologist, paleontologist or eye doctor?
These are three jobs you could have as an adult if you were a very creative person.
Who are an illustrator, artist, musician, director, writer, animator, game designer, art director, fashion designer or interior designer?