Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Architecture & Construction
Business Management & Administration

What is the name of groups that careers with common knowledge and skills are placed in?

What is clusters.

The name of this cluster is Science, Technology, _______, and ________. (fill in the blank)

What is Engineering and Mathematics.

The name of this cluster is _______ & Construction. (fill in the blank)

What is Agriculture. 
The name of the cluster that has to do with the production of merchandise for use or sale using machines, tools, or chemical/biological processing.
What is Manufacturing. 

The name of this cluster is Business ________ & Administration. (fill in the blank)

What is Management.
How many career clusters are there?
What is 17.
What is a Geologist?
What is a person that studies the earth.
What is a Plumber?
What is installs pipes and fixtures, such as sinks and toilets, for water, gas, steam, air, or other liquids. Installs supports for pipes, equipment, and fixtures prior to installation.
What is a Machine Operator?
What is someone who is skilled and able to setup, maintain, and operate machinery. 
What is a supervisor?
What is someone who is responsible for the productivity and actions of a group of employees.
How many career clusters are in the 4th grade?
What is 4.
They predict the weather and study the causes of weather conditions.
What is a Meteorologist. 
What is a Concrete Finisher?

What is someone who smooths and finishes surfaces of poured concrete using power tools.

They develop procedures and design systems to prevent people from getting sick or injured and to keep property from being damaged. They combine knowledge of systems engineering and health/safety to make sure people are not harmed from products.
What is a Safety Engineer. 
What are two skills a person should have to be a good boss or manager?
What is good communicator, good problem solver, good money maker/manager of money, good computer operator.
Name the four career clusters.
What is Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Architecture & Construction, Manufacturing, and Business Management & Administration.
They study wildlife animals (the physical characteristics, animal behaviors and the impact humans have on wildlife and natural habitats).
What is a Zoologist.

Someone who mows the lawn and landscapes by planting flowers, grass, shrubs, and bushes.

What is a Landscaper. 

Someone who uses flame to join things together.

What is a Welder.

An employee responsible for planning, directing and supervising a department or business.

What is a manager.
What is an important skill employees should have? 
What is teamwork.

They create programs for computers.

What is a Software Engineer.

Apply paint to surfaces including canvas, walls, floors, doors, and cabinets. Mix, match, and apply paint, varnish, shellac, enamel, and other finishes. Scrape, sandpaper, prime, or seal surfaces prior to painting. Clean walls to ensure proper adherence.

What is a Painter.
A person involved with the planning, coordination and control of manufacturing processes. They make sure goods and services are produced efficiently and that the correct amount is produced at the right cost and level of quality
What is a Production Manager.
Directs and coordinates budgeting activities and the implementation of organization’s budget policies.
What is a Budget Manager.