Career Cluster 1
Career Cluster 2
Career Cluster 3
Career Cluster 4

This  Cluster involves planning and performing government functions at the local, state, and federal levels. This cluster includes governance, national security, foreign service, revenue, taxation, and regulations.

What is Government & Public Administration


This Cluster involves planning, managing, and executing research, analysis, and technical services. This cluster includes laboratory testing, and research and development in the physical sciences, engineering, and math.

STEM: Science, Tech, Engineering & Math


This Cluster includes jobs that plan and manage finances and investments. Additionally, finance occupations provide services like banking, insurance, accounting, and financial management.

What is Finance


This Cluster includes teaching, educational training services, and related learning support occupations.

what is Education & training


This focuses on producing, processing, marketing, distributing, financing, and developing agricultural resources. This cluster includes food, fiber, wood products, natural resources, plants, and animals.

What is Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources.


This Cluster includes planning, organizing, directing, and evaluating business functions. The core goal of these jobs is to ensure efficient and productive business operations.

What is Business, Management & Administration


This Cluster involves planning, managing, and performing marketing and sales activities to reach an organization’s objectives.

What is Marketing, Sales & Service


These Careers involve designing, producing, exhibiting, performing, writing, and publishing media content. This cluster also and performing arts, graphic design, journalism, and entertainment.

What is Arts, A/V tech & communications


This involves the planning, management, and movement of people, materials, and goods. This can be by road, pipeline, air, rail, or water. This cluster also includes related support services like transportation infrastructure planning, logistics services, and equipment and facility maintenance.

What is Transportation, Distribution & Logistics


This Cluster relates to human needs like counseling, mental health, personal care, family, community, and consumer services.

What is Human Services


This Cluster involves planning, managing, and providing therapeutic, diagnostic, and health support services. This cluster also includes medical and biotech research.

What is Health Science


This Cluster is focused on careers in designing, planning, managing, building and maintaining the built environment.

What is Architecture & Construction


This Cluster includes careers related to the design, development, support, and management of computer systems. This cluster involves building, maintaining, and repairing hardware, software, and information technology systems.

Information Technology


This Cluster involves planning, managing, and processing materials. This cluster also includes related professional and technical support activities like production planning and control, maintenance, and process engineering.

What is Manufacturing 


This includes legal, public safety, protective services, and security fields. This cluster also includes related professional and technical support services.

What is Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security


This Cluster covers the management, marketing, and operations of restaurants, hotels, attractions, recreation events, and travel services. This is a great profession for those living in Central Oregon

What is Hospitality & Tourism