Red Seal Certification
The basic unit of all living things is the ______.
The natural pH of hair is between ____ and _____.
4.5 - 5.5
The chemical name of our developers is...
Hydrogen Peroxide
The highest point at the top of the head is called...
The 3 levels of decontamination are:
Sanitation, disinfection and sterilization
The connection between two or more bones is a ...
The papilla, bulb, follicle and arrest pili muscle are all parts of the hair______.
Hair bonds that can not be broken by heat or water are called...
Disulfide Bonds
For control during haircutting, the hair is divided into uniform working areas called...
A form of self management that is extremely important when scheduling clients
Time Management
The part of the muscle that does not move is the ...
The phases of hair growth are Anagen, Catalan and ______
Double process lightening is pre lightening the hair to a very blonde stage and applying a ....
The guideline used when creating layers or a graduated cut is a...
Travelling Guidline
Density, texture and porosity are important to determine during every ______
The system that controls the steady circulation of blood through the body by means of the heart and blood vessels is
Circulatory System
The chemical bonds that hold together the amino acid molecules are _____ bonds
The process of stopping the action of a permanent wave is...
A haircut achieved using a stationary guideline and zero elevation is called a ....
Solid or Blunt cut
A science that examines how you work, what body movements, positions, tools and equipment you should use and the effect all of these have on you and your client's health and comfort.
The endocrine glands release a secretion called ....
The sudden falling out of hair in round patches or baldness spots is called__________
Alopecia Areata
The main reducing agent in an alkaline perm is
Ammonium Thiglycolate
The slicing or slide cutting texturizing technique removes bulk and adds _______ to a haircut