The stationary foundation of a pin curl is the ...
The predominant melanin that gives black or brown color to hair is...
The widest part of the head, also known as the crest, is called ....
The parietal ridge
Barbicide requires how many minutes to fully disinfect our tools?
10 Minutes
The first step and most important step in any hairstyling process should always be...
A consultation
A styling product available in various strengths applied to hold a style in position is ...
Hair spray
The colors that live across from each other on the color wheel are called ______ colors?
The outer line of a haircut is referred to as ...
The perimeter
Where do you dispose of used razor blades?
Sharps container
The level of porosity evident in damaged and over processed hair is
The name of our professional curling tool
Marcel Iron
What type of color blends greys but does not lighten the natural base?
Demi Permanent
Name the 2 types of guidelines
Travelling and stationary
The surfaces of tools or objects not completely free from dirt, oils or microbes are covered with ...
The characteristic of hair that refers to the number of hairs per square inch is ...
Setting the hair in a roller or round brush, and elevating the hair above 45 degrees will result in what kind of base position.
On Base
The area between new growth and previously coloured hair is called ....
The line of demarcation
This cutting tool created blunt straight lines.
The first step in decontamination is ...
As a beauty professional it is important to shower, brush our teeth, and wear deodorant. This is called ...
Personal Hygiene
This step in a blow dry sets in volume and preps the hair for styling with a brush.
What is the main reason that a stylist may experience hot roots?
Soft keratin at the root
The degree in which you lift the hair when cutting is called ...