Career Counseling Terms
The Birth of Career Development
Career Development Theories

The totality of work one does in the lifetime

What is a Career?


These 5 principles were written by whom?

1. It is better to chose a vocation than merely hunt for a job.

2. No one should choose a vocation without careful self analysis, thorough, honest, and under guidance.

3. The youth should have a large survey of the field of vocations and not simply drop into the convenient or accidental position.

4. Expert advise, or advice of men who have made careful study of men and vocations and the conditions of success, must be better and safe for young men than the absence of it.

5. Putting it down on paper seems a simple matter, but it is one supreme importance in study.

Who was Frank Parsons


This theory was written by Anne Roe.  The theory says that it is our earliest life experiences that affect out career development.

What is the Personality Theory of Career Choice?


A formal relationship in which a professional counselor assists a client or group of clients to cope more effectively with career concerns (choosing a career, managing career transitions, coping with job related stress, and looking for a job).

What is Career Counseling?


These techniques, including observing workers in their settings and reading biographies and existing occupational descriptions, were incorporated into this approach which consisted of three steps or requirements that would help someone make an occupational choice.

What is the "Parsonian Approach"?


Who developed the theory of Circumscription, Compromise, and Self- Creation?

Who was Linda Gottfredson?


" A systemic program of counselor-coordinated information and experiences designed to facilitate individual career development".  These programs typically involve goals, objectives, activities, and methods of evaluating the effectiveness of activities in achieving the goals.

What are Career Development Programs?


This model sought to address the challenges inherent in step 3: Use "true reasoning" on the relations of these two groups of facts.

1. develop a clear understanding of yourself and your aptitudes, abilities, interests, resources, limitations. and other qualities.

2. Develop knowledge of the requirements and conditions of success, advantages, and disadvantages, compensations, opportunities, and prospects in different lines of work.

What is "The Matching Model"


This person based his theory on the idea of" the life course of a person encountering a series of developmental tasks and attempting to handle them in such a way as to become the kind of person he or she wants to become".

Who was Donald Super?


A systematic attempt  to influence  the career development in students and adults through various kinds of educational strategies, including providing occupational information, worksite based experiences, career planning courses, and infused career related concepts into academic curriculum.

What is Career Education?


This approach emphasized a person's relevant traits and characteristics, usually identified through the use of standardized tests, or inventories. This same approach is used to describe occupational factors or requirements (occupations are profiles according to degree to which they require certain traits and aptitudes.)

What is the Trait and factor approach?


This theory responds to the new realities, such as speed of communication, the reshaping of organizations, the speed and extent of change, the need for lifelong learning, globalization, the emergence of contingent and contractual based work, and the rapidity of technological innovations.

What is the Chaos theory of careers?


Activities that empower people to cope effectively with career development tasks. These activities help people develop self awareness and occupational awareness, learn decision making skills, acquire job search skills, adjust to occupational choices after they have been implemented, and cope with job stress.

What are Career Development Interventions?


These men through their testing movement was a force in in the growth of career development interventions and helped codify Parson's emphasis on self understanding.

Who are James Cantrell, Alfred Binet, and Walter Bingham?


By using this approach to describing career development and providing career development interventions highlighting the notion that we are the stories that we live, professional counselors provide clients with opportunities to reconstruct coherent life stories.

What is the Narrative Approach?