This and That

This theorist developed the RIASEC model of personality types

Who is John Holland?


After or during the initial interview, it is recommended that counselors utilize these to measure clients interests, values, skills, etc.

What are assessment instruments? 


This is one of the challenges with administering assessments to culturally diverse populations 



This is a personality assessment was designed to make the theory of psychological types described by C. G. Jung understandable and useful in people's lives 

What is Myers-Briggs Type Indicator?


A visual representation of relationships in a family (specifically oriented around family members' careers)

What is a career genogram?


He proposed that career development is a lifelong process that can be viewed in five distinct life stages; growth, exploration, establishment, maintenance, and disengagement. 

Who is Donald Super?


An intervention to address self-efficacy would be most closely associated with this theory

What is Social Cognitive Career Theory?

After finishing this course, you are now able to ethically interpret the results of an MBTI assessment (true/false)

What is false?


This activity involves spreading cards on a table and asking clients to think about what is important to them

What is a values sort?


A concept created by Super to describe the degree to which a person achieves developmental tasks expected by society relative to the person's peers

What is career maturity?


This theorist argued that genetic endowment, environmental conditions and events, instrumental and associative learning experiences, and knowledge of task approach skills make up the four primary determinants of career choice

Who is Krumboltz?


What operating from this theory, you would work from a developmental perspective in which the importance of the roles of both gender and prestige are emphasized 

What is Gotterfredson's theory of self-creation, circumcription, and compromise?


These are unconsciously-held set of associations about a social group that may result in the attribution of particular qualities to all individuals from that group, also known as stereotyping.  As career counselors, we need to be aware of these. 

What are biases? 


Using assessment instruments cautiously (or not at all), so that they do not interfere with exploration of one’s personal career choice fits with this approach or theory

What is a spiritual approach to career counseling?


This is the acronym for Holland's 6 types

What is RIASEC?


This theorist is considered the "father" of the career counseling movement

Who is Frank Parsons?


Asking a client to writer or tell their career story with a clear beginning, middle, and end is an intervention used in this type of career counseling

What is a narrative approach?

If a career counseling client asks you directly, "What major do you think I should choose?" It is Okay to provide your personal opinion as long as your opinion is based on their assessment information (True/False)

What is False?


This is an example of an achievement test

What is...(many examples accepted)?


This online resource has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development, and career counselors 

What is O*Net?


This theory is based on Social Learning Theory, uses a triadic reciprocal interaction system, takes into account context factors, and stresses the important of self-efficacy

What is Social Cognitive Career Theory?


When operating from this theoretical orientation, you would be concerned about actual job performance (satisfactoriness), not just career selection 

What is Work Adjustment Theory?


The client you are sitting with has a career interest that you believe might be unrealistic for them.  Choose a theoretical perspective (i.e. spiritual perspective, Super's theory, etc.) and provide an example of how you might respond



This is one of the two computer guidance systems the book discussed as appropriate to supplement career counseling work

What is SIGI3 or DISCOVER? 


Enjoying working with people by persuading them to buy a new house suggests an interest in one of Holland's types

What is enterprising?