Theories of Career Development
Recent Theories of Career Development
that Theorist
Career Development

This theory provides an explicit link between various personality characteristics and corresponding job titles and because it organizes the massive data about people and jobs

What is Holland's Theory of Types and Person–Environment Interactions?


This theory incorporates important attitudes and behaviors needed for creating and sustaining hope

What is Hope-Action Theory? 


This theorist states that most people can be categorized as one of six types: realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, or conventional."

Who is John Holland? 


This is the course of events constituting a life

What is a Career?


This is a picture of the self in some role, situation, or position, performing some set of functions, or in some web of relationships

What is Self-Concept?


A segmental theory describing three key aspects of career development: (a) life span, (b) life space, and (c) self-concept

What is Super’s Life-Span, Life-Space Theory


This theory provides a conceptual framework for understanding how people develop career-related interests, make (and remake) occupational choices, and achieve career success and stability (Lent, Brown, & Hackett)

What is the Social Cognitive Career Theory (SCCT)?


This theorist developed life stages (growth, exploration, establishment, maintenance, and decline or disengagement)

Who is Donald Super? 


A formal relationship in which a professional counselor assists a client or group of clients to cope more effectively with career concerns

What is Career Counseling?


Outcome expectations are beliefs about the outcomes of performing specific behaviors

What is Outcome Expectations? 


This theory of circumscription, compromise, and self-creation describes the process of formulating occupational aspirations in childhood and adolescence

What is Gottfredson’s Theory of Circumscription, Compromise, and Self-Creation?


This theory asserts that individuals construct their careers by imposing meaning on their vocational behavior and occupational experiences (Sarvickas)

What is Career Construction Theory?


This theorist emphasizes the view that career choice is an attempt to place oneself in the broader social order

Who is Linda Gottfredson?


The systematic attempt to influence the career development of students and adults through various types of educational strategies"

What is Career Education?


This involves the process of eliminating unacceptable occupational alternatives based primarily on gender and prestige, and highlights the fact that young people begin eliminating occupational options as soon as they are able to perceive essential distinctions among people and lives

What is Circumscription? 


This theory addresses these three concerns: (a) the absence of a goal, or career indecision; (b) an expressed concern about high aspirations, or unrealism; and (c) a conflict between equally appropriate alternatives, or multi-potentiality

What is Learning Theory of Career Counseling?


This theory addresses diversity issues related to ethnicity, race, gender, socioeconomic status, and spirituality. There is an emphasis on integrating the mind, body, and spirit

What is Hansen’s integrative life planning model (ILP)


This theorist asserts that individuals construct their careers by imposing meaning on their vocational behavior and occupational experiences

Who is Sarvickas?


This involve any activities that empower people to cope effectively with career development tasks

What is Career Development Intervention?


Its function is to initiate, coordinate, and monitor the storage of and retrieval of information"

What is the Executive Processing Domain?


This theory emphasizes the perspective the relationship between early childhood experiences and subsequent career behavior is mediated by the “structure of psychological needs that develop due to the pattern of frustrations and satisfactions experienced in childhood"

What is Roe’s Personality Theory of Career Choice?


A theory that responds to new realities, such as the speed of communication, the reshaping of organizations, the speed and extent of change, the need for lifelong learning, globalization, the emergence of contingent and contractually based work, and the rapidity of technological innovation (Pryor & Bright)

What is Chaos Theory?


This theorist identified three main kinds of child-rearing environments: emotional concentration, avoidance, and acceptance

Who is Anne Roe? 


The lifelong psychological and behavioral processes as well as contextual influences shaping one’s career over the lifespan

What is Career Development? 


This term refers to the capacity to consider the impact daily contextual interactions have on a person's understanding of self and their place within the world

What is Self-Reflection?