Career Theories
The Competencies
Target Populations and Interventions
This and That
This theorist developed the RIASEC model of personality types.
Who is John Holland?
Relating one database to another with ease.
What is crosswalking?
Theory base and knowledge considered essential for professionals engaging in career counseling and development.
What is career development theory?
Activities that help students learn more about themselves can be supplemented with activities that focus on educational and occupational exploration.
What are career interventions in elementary school?
A career guidance activity, often found in educational settings, in which practitioners in a number of fields are invited to explain their job responsibilities, backgrounds, and the necessary requirements needed to be employed in their line of work.
What is a career fair?
A theory in which one of the the primary roles of counselors is to assist clients to develop a strong, clear, and realistic self-concept, which includes an understanding of their interests, abilities and values.
What is Super's theory of career development?
A well-planned website that creates a master menu of existing no-fee sites that offer component pieces of an integrated career planning system.
What is a virtual career center?
Knowledge and skills considered essential for providing career counseling and development processes to diverse populations.
What is diverse populations?
Theorists who identified 8 ways parents can help elementary school children advance in their careers (p.342).
Who are Herr, Cramer, and Niles.
The level of importance people place on the role of their careers and work in relationship to other life roles.
What is career salience?
A combination of all of the activities that take place in life roles being played by an individual at a given point in time.
What is a career?
He led the development in the area of career planning systems with his Career Information System (CIS).
Who is Bruce McKinlay?
Knowledge and skills considered essential for critically evaluating counselor performance, maintaining and improving professional skills, and seeking assistance from others (when needed) in career counseling.
What is supervision?
This person has yet to experience an identity crisis or exploration and has not made any personal commitment to an occupation, much less to a set of goals, values, and beliefs.
What is identity-diffused?
Gathering and interpreting occupational information related to a future career a person might wish to pursue.
What is career planning?
Savickas' narrative approach, also known as this kind of theory.
What is constructivist theory?
The most effective method of providing career planning assistance to students or clients.
What is the combination of computer and counselor?
Knowledge and skills considered essential for enabling individuals and organizations to effectively impact the career counseling and development process.
What is coaching, consultation, and performance improvement?
At this level, interventions that combine psychoeducational activities and experiential tasks are useful in helping students cope with the career development tasks confronting them.
What are interventions in middle school?
A concept created by Super to describe the degree to which a person achieves developmental tasks expected by society relative to the person's peers.
What is career maturity?
The four primary determinants of career choice and development according to Krumboltz.
What is genetic endowment, environmental conditions and events, instrumental and associative learning experiences, and knowledge of task approach skills?
The provision of counseling support to the client by a qualified professional via the Internet.
What is cybercounseling?
Skills necessary to develop, plan, implement, and manage comprehensive career development programs in a variety of settings.
What is program promotions, management, and implementation?
Three secondary school requirements for postsecondary school success, according to Jerald (2006).
What are (a) high expectations and rigorous instructions for all students, (b) equal access to rigorous coursework, and (c) adequate support for student success?
Counseling that focuses on matters dealing with work and career choices, especially the relationships between the needs of clients and their vocational development over the life span.
What is career counseling?