Career Exploration
Application documents

A conversation between an applicant and employer which is conducted to assess whether the applicant should be hired.

What is a job interview?


A personal and career development tool that gives you access to on-campus jobs, internships, job opportunities.  It is also where you can find information about the Education Opportunities Fair and the Career and Internship Fair.

What is Handshake?


A short description of yourself where you highlight your skills, accomplishments, and goals.

What is an elevator speech/introduction? 

(An easy way to think about how to develop an intro is past/present/future.  What is your background? What are you doing right now? What are your plans/goals for the future?)


Templates are not recommended for this type of document because they are difficult to format.

What is a resume?

Templates often include unnecessary sections.


Researching the company, reflecting on skills and accomplishments, developing questions to ask the interviewer, deciding what to wear.

What are the steps to prepare for an interview?


A tool that is designed to help individuals understand how a variety of personal attributes, impact their potential success and satisfaction with different career options and work environments.

What is a career assessment?


An interactive site to help you ace your next job interview.

Big Interview


Teamwork, leadership, problem solving, adaptability, critical thinking, time management, attention to detail, listening, customer service, organization.

What are transferrable skills?


As an upcoming or recent college graduate, this section should be listed near the top of your resume, directly below your contact information.

What is the education section?


After an interview, be sure to send this (via mail or email) so the employer knows you are still interested and that you appreciate them taking the time to meet with you.

What is a thank you letter?


A conversation in which a person seeks insights on a career path, an industry, a company and/or general career advice from someone with experience and knowledge in the areas of interest.

What is an informational interview?


This popular social media platform is used by students and professionals to network, research companies, stay up-to-date on industry trends, and more,

What is LinkedIn?


An event in which employers, recruiters, and schools give information to potential employees and potential interns.

What is a career fair?


This should always be listed at the top of your resume.

What is your contact information? (name, address (optional), phone number, email address, etc.). 


A style of questioning that involves the interviewee describing a time when they actually demonstrated XYZ skill.

What are behavioral style questions?


A type of on-the-job training that allows an interested employee to follow and closely observe another employee performing the role. 

What is job shadowing?


This is where you submit your resume for feedback.

What is a resume review?


A suit, slacks and a button up shirt or sweater.

What is appropriate career fair attire?


This common greeting should be avoided when writing a cover letter because it shows you haven't taken the time to find the correct contact information.

What is to whom it may concern?


This is a specific technique used to answer behavioral interview questions.

What is the S.T.A.R. technique? The STAR method stands for identifying the situation/task, the action you took, and the result or outcome that was achieved.


Meet with an advisor in AACD, talk with a faculty member in the relevant department, explore department webpage, research major/career options online.

What are ways you can explore majors/careers?


A meeting with a career advisor to practice interviewing skills and receive feedback.

What is a mock interview?


A shopping event where you can receive up to 50% off career attire.

What is JCPenney Suit Up?


People who know you and can tell an employer positive things about you.

What is a good reference?


How much vacation will I get?

What is the starting salary?

What are inappropriate questions to ask during an interview?