From Parsons to Parsons
What an Inspiration!!!
That's Our Policy
Let's Check The Inventory
Other Developments I
Parson established the first Vocational Guidance Center in this city to help immigrant populations find work that fits their interest.
What is Boston? (Parsons, 1909)
Information processing and the work of cognitive therapist, Meichenabaum, inspired this career development theory.
What is Cognitive Information Processing (Brown, 2003)?
The transition from the Dictionary of Occupational Titles to this new government operated internet system of occupational information was completed in 2001 (Brown, 2003).
What is O*NET?
This individual set himself and his assessment apart by focusing on empirical methods for developing occupational scales in the late 1920s. (Harrington & Long, 2013).
Who is E.K. Strong?
In the early 1900s, vocational guidance workers focused primarily on obtaining this, which eventually filled most high school libraries (Dawis, 1992). What is occupational information?
What is occupational information?
This book was the seminal work on vocational guidance of Frank Parson, and was published after his death
What is "Choosing a Vocation"? (Parson, 1909)
This theory was largely inspired by Bandura’s social cognitive theory.
What is social cognitive career theory (SCCT; Lent, Brown, & Hackett, 1994)?
In the early 1930s, this well-known policy created programs focusing on vocational and educational opportunities for adults and youths (Pope, 2000).
What is “The New Deal”?
In the 1940s, with the help of IBM this individual developed the first commercial assessment, which included a machine-scored report. (Harrington & Long, 2013).
Who is Frederick Kuder?
The increasing importance of differential diagnosis in the 1930s led to the use of assessments that evaluated these 3 individual components as they relate to occupational requirements (Dawis, 1992).
What are abilities, interest and personality traits?
According to Super (1955), this more contemporary view of helping would emerge from the vocational guidance that was began by Franks Parsons.
What is Vocational Counseling?
His experience as a career counselor in educational, military, and clinical environments helped him to find useful techniques and information that would help him create one of the most famous career theories (Nauta, 2010).
Who is John Holland?
In 1957, the U.S. government created the legislation, the National Defense Education Act, which provided funding for school counseling programs that would be used to promote students to enter engineering, science and mathematics in response to the Soviets launch of this satellite (Pope, 2000).
What is Sputnik?
The Educational Test Service (ETS) created a unique assessment in 1961, in that it combined its interest inventory with this type of evaluation (Harrington & Long, 2013).
What is an aptitude test?
In 1883, this individual publishes the book Vacophy, suggesting that vacophers be placed in every town to provide vocational assistance to town citizens (Picchioni & Bonk, 1983; Richards, 1883).
Who is Salmon Richards?
Parsons had an idea for this that he spoke about in a lecture that would help individuals choose and occupation, and would be a part of “The Ideal City” (Jones, 1994).
What is a Vocation Bureau?
This theorist created an approach to career development that was heavily influenced by the matching model and differential psychology.
Who is Donald Super (Hartung, 2013)?
This theorist suggested that we are entering into a post-modern era of career development, where professionals have transitioned from logical positivism to help individuals making meaning of their career and working lives.
Who is Mark L. Savickas (Savickas, 1993)?
Created by John Holland in 1965, this interest inventory is simply a list of occupational titles (Harrington, 2013).
What is the Vocational Preference Inventory?
George Merrill began providing vocational assistance at this institution, in 1895 (Picchioni & Bonk, 1983).
What is the California School of Mechanical Arts?
Parsons was the first to believe that occupational selections were based upon three components: self-knowledge, occupational knowledge and this (Parsons, 1909).
What is true reasoning?
This theorist agreed with Holland and Parsons that there was a person-environment fit component, but was inspired to create a theory that acknowledges that there is a person-environment interaction (Swanson and Schneider, 2013)
Who is is R. W. Dawis
In the early 1960s, this individual developed a theoretical understanding that deviated from traditional focus on vocational behavior, and emphasized a more existential approach (Jepson, 2008)?
Who is David Tiedeman?
Created by Jesse Davis in 1914, the first occupational interest inventory was create for this population (Harrington, 2013).
What are 10th graders?
In this year, Jesse B. Davis began a principalship at a high school in Grand Rapid, Michigan where he encouraged teachers to relate subject matter to vocational information (Picchioni & Bonk, 1983).
What is 1907?