Arts & Communications Careers
Business, Management and Tech
Health Careers
Helping and Service Careers
Industrial and Engineering Careers
My job is to review writing before you read it in a book.
What is an editor?
My job is similar to a principal, I am in charge, but I work in a business, not in a school.
What is a manager?
My office is mainly my ambulance, where I spend most of my time.
What is a paramedic?
My main job is to help students learn.
What is a teacher?
My job is to help build homes and buildings.
What is a carpenter/construction worker?
I had to complete a special type of school called culinary school in order to do my job
What is a chef?
My job is to plan meetings, concerts and other events for a business, church or a city.
What is an event planner?
My job is to give you the medicine you need to stay healthy.
What is a pharmacist?
My job is to serve my restaurant customers with the best service possible.
What is a waiter/waitress
My job is to navigate an airplane or helicopter carrying either people or cargo.
What is a pilot?
With my job I may work with sand, clay, wood or metal.
What is a sculptor?
My job involves helping people to find a place to live.
What is a realtor?
In my job, I help patients improve movement of their body after being injured.
What is a physical therapist?
My job is to work with families to help solve conflicts, find jobs, handle financial problems and more.
What is a social worker?
My job is to design buildings and make sure they are safe and have a pleasing appearance.
What is an architect?
With my job, I often help people with a birthday, wedding, or other special occasions.
What is a florist?
Part of my job is to come up with commercials or advertisements to help sell a product.
What is a marketing agent?
My job is to test patients' hearing and provide treatment for those who have hearing problems.
What is an audiologist?
My job is to help solve crimes by fathering evidence, interviewing witnesses, and processing the information.
What is an investigator/detective?
My job is to create special effects using fire, smoke and fireworks.
What is a pyrotechnician?
My job is to let you know what is going on in the world around you.
What is a reporter?
My job is to help people to find the right products that they need. I try to encourage them to buy from my business because the more I sell, the more money I make.
What is a sales person?
I plan food and meal programs in schools and hospitals to make sure people are eating healthy.
What is a nutritionist?
My job is to help my clients plan trips for business or vacation.
What is a travel agent?
My job is to fix or install equipment that and keep businesses and homes warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
What is a heating and air conditioning technician?