Who am I ?
All about Me
School Success

This is a person who is in charge of a school

 A Principal


Name one of your interests (things you like to do) Everyone one your team needs to answer at least one thing.

(teams will get points if each player answers the question)


List something students can do to be great learners.

 More than one right answer is acceptable

Finish homework, listen to teachers, help others, follow directions, etc.


Name the 4 stages of a butterflies life cycle






During math class, one of your friends keeps making funny faces at you. You are super annoyed and want your friend to stop. Is this a Big Problem or a Small Problem? What could you do?

-Small problem

-ignore it, tell them to stop


This is a person who makes sure people are following laws and keeps people safe.

  A Police Officer


Name one of your strengths (something you are good at) Everyone on your team needs to list at least one thing.

Points awarded if each member can list at least one strength.


This is a school that people attend after they have graduated high school. It is where people learn about their future careers. 

What is it called and give me an example. 

College or University

Examples: Texas Tech, San Jacinto, Texas A&M, U of H


Who was the first president of the United States?

George Washington


What is the difference between tattling and telling/reporting?

Tattling = small problem, to get someone in trouble. Telling/Reporting = big problem, need adult to help, to keep someone safe. 

Answers may vary


This worker helps people when they are sick or hurt. List 3 workers 

Doctor / Nurse / Paramedic / Surgeon / Pediatrician


This is a word that means "things you like to do"



Responsibility is important to doing well in school. What are some ways that students can show responsibility in school? 

More than one answer is acceptable. 

Take homework home every night, finish homework and bring it back to school on time, come to school on time, follow directions, clean up your area..


How many hours are in one day ?

24 hours


You are playing a game with your friends at recess. One of your friends keeps cheating and won't go "out" when they lost the game. Is this a Big Problem or a Small Problem? What can you do?

Small Problem. 

Talk it out, tell them to stop, go to another game.


I help people find the truth by solving mysteries and looking for clues.



This is the job you want when you are an adult.

 Everyone on your team needs to answer to get points.

(If each team member lists a job, the team gets the points)


This is how students show respect to teachers in school. 

More than one answer is acceptable 

Listen when teacher is talking, Follow directions, saying please and thank you, raising your hand when you want to say something (not blurting), etc.


Is a tomato a fruit or a vegetable?



You see a 4th grader throwing rocks at a 1st grader. Is this a Big Problem or a Small Problem? What can you do?

Big Problem. 

Tell an adult.


I work in a courtroom and help people prove things.



This is a word that means "things you are good at"

Strengths or skills


Due to the global pandemic, what are 4 ways you can stay safe during school hours.

1. Wear your mask! Over your mouth and nose

2. Wash your hands at all times

3. Do NOT share any of your belongings or food

4. Maintain social distance by staying 6ft apart


What is the biggest planet in our solar system?



You are doing an art project, and a classmate takes your markers without asking. Is this a Big Problem or a Small Problem? What can you do?

Small Problem. 

Talk it out, Tell them to stop, Share and take turns, Make a deal