Health Careers
STEM Careers
Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Careers
Business & Finance
Arts, Audio/Visual, and Communications

This role is entry-level in the nursing field. A short course is required and a certificate must be held with the state. You also must be 16 years or older.

Certified Nursing Assistant


These individuals use "languages" to design computer programs and applications. 

What is a computer programmer? What is a coder? What is a software developer?


These professionals rescue people who get into difficulty in the water.

What is a lifeguard?


This is the title of someone who owns or operates their own business

What is an entrepreneur?


This person designs images for magazines, web pages, print materials, and more. 

What is a graphic designer?


This professional is a Pharmacist's right-hand help and helps dispense medications to patients. 

What is a Pharmacy Technician?


These professionals are in charge of designing and building everything at Disney theme parks, resorts, and cruise ships. They "build the magic!"

What is an Imagineer?


This professional protects and preserves local, state, and national park and recreational areas.

What is a park ranger?


This professional keeps and inspects financial records for a business. They can also specialize in tax preparation.

What is an accountant?


This professional plans the layout, furniture, and decorations for a physical space.

What is an interior designer?


This professional is responsible for imagining machines and performs ultrasounds and echocardiograms.

What is a sonographer?


This professional makes his/her living by the probability of a baseball player getting a hit, a quarterback throwing a touchdown, and a team winning a game. 

What is a Sports Statistician? (Think "Moneyball")


This professional is the head of a correctional facility who ensures regulations are being followed.

What is a warden?


These professionals determine what products a company should sell and how to advertise to customers.

What are marketing specialists?


This person manages the actors, audio, script, and set of a film.

Who is the film director?

This type of specialty doctor helps patients who are experience issues with the heart and blood vessels. 

What is a Cardiologist?


This professional designs life-saving and life-improving devices such as mechanical organs, prosthetics, and surgical robots.

What is a biomedical engineer?

This professional studies crime trends, reports, and evidence to find uncover clues and help catch "bad guys."

What is a crime analyst?


These professionals assist with hiring, paying, training, and releasing employees for a company. 

Who are human resource professionals?


This person writes the lines for a film, play, or broadcast.

What is a script writer?

This professional responds to emergencies on-site and works to stabilize patients until further care can be given. Their training allows them to administer certain medications, insert IVs, and more. 

What is a paramedic?

This type of engineer designs things that fly.

What is an aerospace engineer?


These professionals assist lawyers during trials, organize case files, prepare trial notes, perform legal research, prepare legal briefs and sometimes conduct client and witness interviews.

What are paralegals?


This department of a company manages communication with media and helps to establish and protect a company's reputation.

What is public relations?


The professional oversees the operations and output of a television station.

What is a station manager?