Careers 1
Careers 2
Careers 3
Careers 4
Careers 5

A person who writes blogs, books, articles, novels, etc.

What is an Author?


A person who cuts and styles our hair.

What is a Hairdresser?


A person who prepares bread, cakes, and baked food items like cookies, pastries, etc.

What is a Baker?


A person who is employed to prevent fire from spreading.

What is a Fireman/Firewoman?


A person who supervises swimmers and surfers and rescues them in case of emergency.

What is a Lifeguard?


People whose job is to make sure that citizens follow the law and do not harm others. They help serve and protect their community. 

What is a Police Officer?


A person who teaches children in school and college. They help us shape our careers.

What is a Teacher?


A person who flies and navigates airplanes, helicopters, and aircraft.

What is a Pilot?


A person engaged in agriculture. They sow seeds and harvest them to provide us with food grains.

What is a Farmer?


A doctor who treats oral health, such as teeth and gums.

What is a Dentist?


A person trained to analyze electrical problems in different fields and solve them.

What is an Electrician? 


A person who collects the letters from the post office and delivers them to the address on the letters.

What is a Mailman/Mailwoman? 


People who practice medicine. They are trained to keep people healthy and to heal the sick.

What is a Doctor?


A person who treats animals. They are medically trained to treat and take care of the animals.

What is a Veterinarian? 


People work in the kitchens of restaurants, hotels, and cruise ships. They create the menus, prepare the food, and manage the operations of the kitchen.

What is a Chef?


A person related to the construction of buildings or a person who plans and designs the structure of the buildings.

What is an Architect?


People who sell flowers and floral arrangements to customers. They cut and arrange flowers and greenery to make decorative displays. 

What is a Florist?


A scientist who studies the universe and specializes in the study of galaxies, planets, stars, etc.

What is an Astronomer? 


A person who works in a library and provides information about the books in libraries of schools and colleges.

What is a Librarian? 


A person who repairs vehicles, machinery, and light trucks.

What is a Mechanic?


People who study plants and animals that lived millions of years ago. They are scientists who study the remains of these ancient organisms, or living things. The remains, called fossils, were preserved in rocks.

What is a Paleontologist?  


This person builds or fixes homes, roads, and buildings. They perform heavy physical labor and often work outdoors in all kinds of weather conditions.

What is a Construction Worker?


A person who repairs the pipelines of water and faulty drainage pipes. They also install home appliances like dishwashers, sinks, bathtubs and toilets.

What is a Plumber?


People who express ideas and portray characters in theater, film, television, and other performing arts media.

What is an Actor/Actress?


A person who helps people and businesses make choices about saving and spending their money. 

What is an Accountant?