Sheyenne High School
How many years of schooling after high school is an associate's degree?
2 years
What is the name of the career counselor who comes over from Sheyenne about once a month with activities?
Penny Aipperspach
What is a skilled worker?
Someone who has a skill that sets them above someone else. This could include a degree or certification, and is not as easily replaced by a robot.
How many years of schooling does it take to become an electrician?
2 years--an associates degree.
What is the law for the age a child can start working?
Depends on the job, but is usually 14 or 16. Often comes with restrictions on what times the child can work (can't be past 9 am, and can only work so many hours a week)
How many years of schooling is a Masters?
2 years past a bachelors OR 6 years after high school
What does Penny Aipperspach do at the high school? (not just her job title, but her daily duties)
She meets one-on-one with students to discuss their future, organizes all the internships that students want to take, is in charge of the school-to-work program, and visits classrooms to make sure students are ready to make decisions for after high school (along with many other things).
What is an unskilled worker?
A person who does have a set of skills that separates them from another person or machine. They can be easily replaced.
How many years of schooling does it take to be a teacher?
4 years (or a bachelor's degree) Though, many teachers also have their masters.
What is the school-to-work program at the high school?
A program where you can go to school, but the last two hours of the day you can leave to work in a job in your field (if it is approved, and directly related to what you want to do after high school) kind of like an internship.
How many years of schooling is a bachelor's degree?
4 years
How many credits do you need to graduate high school at Sheyenne?
What is our "economy"?
The wealth and resources of an area.
True or false: The longer you go to school, the more you will get paid.
False. While this is often the case, there are still some 2-year degrees that can make much more than 4 years.
What is one of the highest paid 2-year degrees?
Answers may vary. Top ones are an air traffic controller, computer programmer or dental hygienist
How many years does it take to become a doctor?
4 years to get a bachelors degree, plus 4-6 years of doctoral schooling
Name two elective classes that you will be able to choose to take next year?
Answers may vary. Many include band, choir, avid, foreign language, facs, drivers ed, and/or theater.
How does supply and demand affect careers? Give an example.
Answers may vary. Must show that jobs with high supply have low demand, and often low pay. Or, jobs with low supply have high demand, and often pay more.
What type of schooling do you need to become a pharmacist?
8+ years to earn your doctorate in pharmacy (so 4 years to get your bachelors--usually in chemistry--and then 4 more years to become a specialist.
What are the top 4 skills that every career looks for in an employer? *Hint: they're displayed in this room.
The 4 C's: Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, and Critical Thinking
Name one college that you could attend to get an associates degree?
Answers may vary: could include MState (Minnesota State Community and Technical College--Fergus or Moorhead) OR NDSCS (North Dakota State College of Science) OR BSC (Bismark State College)
Besides grades, what else do colleges look at when you apply?
ACT/SAT scores, overall gpa, extracurriculars you were involved in, and recommendation letters from people about you as a person
How does technology affect skilled and unskilled workers?
Answers may vary. Must show that technology can replace unskilled workers, but does not replace skilled workers.
How many different types of nurses are there? Can you name them?
3 types 1) CNA (certified nursing assistant)--requires training 2) LPN (licensed practical nurse)--associates degree 3) RN (Registered nurse)--bachelors degree
Why is planning ahead and looking at different schooling and careers important? Give at least three reasons.
Answers may vary. Must show importance.