Career Theory
Anchors Away!
Oh, Grow Up!
Name the Classmate
He is one of the most prolific career theorists, who developed the "career arch" and the "career rainbow"
Who is Donald Super?
This online database of the US Department of Labor provides occupational information for thousands of career options
What is O*NET?
If you love to take on a difficult task as its own reward, you probably have this career anchor
What is Pure Challenge?
You don't have to work for Donald Trump to be in this first stage of professional development
What is apprentice?
He took a year off to do competitive mountain biking in Whistler
Who is Karac?
Theorist Edgar Schein developed this concept, which reflects people's of their values, skills and interests, all combined in one pivotal self-concept.
What are career anchors?
In Canada, the place to go for online career information is this government site.
If you like play it safe in your career, this is the anchor for you.
What is security/stability?
According to Donald Super, this is the career development stage that people are in between ages 18-25
What is exploration?
He competed as a swimmer when he was younger.
Who is Ahmad?
Theorist Mark Savickas defined this important concept, which includes one's confidence, control, curiosity and concern.
What is Career Adaptability?
The acronym VIPS is used for these four elements of self-knowledge.
What are values, interests, personality and skills?
Don't like being told what to do? This might be your career anchor.
What is autonomy/independence?
According to Donald Super, career planning, exploration, self-awareness and knowledge about careers and decision making is part of this aspect of growing up.
What is career maturity?
Both of these classmates plan to study veterinary medicine.
Who are Stephanie and Katie?
In Holland's famous Hexagon, the letter "R" in RIASEC refers to this type of interests
What is Realistic?
While achievements demonstrate your skills in the past and abilities express your skills in the present, these are expressions of your potential skills in the future.
What are aptitudes?
If you like to be in charge of things, this career anchor is the one for you.
What is General Managerial Competence?
Planning a career and a family is tricky because this critical female health factor drops off quickly after age 35.
What is fertility?
Both of these classmates are interested in careers in policing.
Who are Shannon and Morgan?
According to Gottfredson's Theory of Circumscription and Compromise, children eliminate career options on the basis of these two demographic factors
What are gender and social status?
Psychological capital is one's set of mental resources to deal with adversity, including these four components
What are self-efficacy, optimism, hope and resilience?
This career anchor is for people who love to delve deeply into one topic or area of expertise.
What is Technical Functional?
According to identity status theory, this is when one fails to explore their career options, but commits to the career path their parents choose for them.
What is foreclosure?
She is interested in a career in Occupational Therapy.
Who is Alex?