Before they were famous
Interview Etiquette
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To Degree or NOT to Degree
Mystery Questions

This down-bad rapper played a basketball player who became disabled after getting shot in the show Degrassi.

Who is Draaaaaake?


This is a written compilation of your education, work experience, credentials, and accomplishments needed to apply for a job

What is a resume?


This person builds and repairs structures like houses, roads, and bridges using tools and heavy equipment. 

What is a construction worker?


Truck driver


however you need to obtain a Commercial Driver's License


A job/position that is does not receive pay.

What is a volunteer or intern position?


This movie actor and WWE icon washed dishes at a pizza parlor long before you could smell what he was cookin.

Who is Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson?


These are current or former supervisors, faculty mentors, campus staff or advisers, coaches or anyone in a professional position who can speak about your character, skills and work ethic.

What are references?


They collect news through interviews, observation, and investigation. They also write news stories for publication and broadcast.

What is a journalist?




You can be self-taught or learn by experience, however, there are culinary schools you can attend to obtain a degree or certificate (which is recommended) 


This section on your resume highlights activities that you do in your free time.

(Excluding work, volunteering, and school)

What are hobbies and interests?


This music mogul swept the floors at her mother's salon in Houston, TX before dropping hits like "Irreplaceable" and "Single ladies".

Who is Beyonce?


This is something you may want to do before you interview; it will give you a better idea about the company or job, help you discover details about the employer, help you learn what the company looks for in a candidate, and become a stand-out applicant

What is research?


These professionals assess the financial needs of individuals and help them with decisions on investments (such as stocks and bonds), tax laws, and insurance.

What is a personal financial advisor? 

They require a Bachelor's Degree.




You can become a welder without formal education-however to become certified you need to have the education. You can get a one-year certificate or a two-year degree. More education equals more opportunities.


Stephen Hillenburg was a former science instructor at the Dana Point Ocean Institute. He is also the creator of what famous cartoon?

What is SpongeBob SquarePants?


This former Arizona Cardinals quarterback used to bag groceries and stock shelves in an Iowa grocery store just a few years before winning an NFL MVP, Super Bowl and Super Bowl MVP.

Who is Kurt Warner?


This happens when one person first encounters another person and forms a mental image of that person.

What is a first impression?


The branch of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures

What is engineering? 

Includes: Civil engineering, electrical engineering, computer engineering, chemical engineers, architectural engineers, petroleum engineers 




You must have at least a Bachelor's degree in Education. 


These programs allow you to learn on the job, under the supervision of a professional.

What are apprenticeships?


Before he played this Marvel character with metal claws piercing out of his fists, this man used to dress up as a party clown at kids' parties.

Who is Hugh Jackman?

Examples include: Tank-top, open-toed shoes, torn jeans, clothes with designs or images, wrinkled clothes, mini-skirts, saggy jeans, hats/caps, booty shorts, low-cut shirts

What is unprofessional/inappropriate dresswear?


Issue landing and takeoff instructions to pilots. Monitor and direct the movement of aircraft on the ground and in the air, using radar, computers, or visual references.

What is an air traffic controller?


Software developer


However, a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or related field is helpful!


This many workers died during the construction of The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California.


Ten men died in one accident when the scaffolding they were on fell through a safety net in 1937.