What is a Career?
A job you do for a long time
What is Education?
Learning at school, college, or university
What are Skills?
Things you can do well
What is an Interview
A meeting to talk about a job
What is an Interest?
Something you like to do
What is a job?
Work you do to earn money
What is a Diploma?
A certificate from high school or technical school
What are Strengths?
Things you are good at
What is an Application?
A form you fill to ask for a job
What is a Salary?
Money you get for working (per year or hour)
What is an Occupation?
Another word for job or career
What is a Degree?
A certificate you get from college/university
What are Experiences?
Things you have done before
What is a Job posting?
An ad that shows a job is open
What are Benefits?
Extra things like health insurance or vacation
What is an Employee?
A person who works for someone
What is Training?
Learning how to do a job
What is Teamwork?
Working well with other people
What is a Resume?
A paper with your work and school history
What is a Goal
Something you want to do in the future
What is an Employer?
A person or company who gives a job
What is an Apprenticeship?
Working while learning a trade or skill
What is Communication?
Talking and writing clearly
What is a Reference?
A person who says good things about your work
What is the Work environment?
The place or conditions where you work