What is your score?
Riddle me money
The Office

This is the ability to purchase goods or services before paying for them, with the expectation of paying for them in the future.

What is credit?


I slide through machines, quick as a breeze,
For purchases made with relative ease.
What am I, that helps you spend as you please?

What is credit and debit cards?


This insurance pays for losses that are out of your control (weather-related, fire-related, or hitting an animal, etc.).

What is comprehensive coverage?


This type of insurance, often provided by employers, helps cover medical expenses and can include options for dental and vision.

What is health insurance?


This is an annual office tradition that involves exchanging terrible or strange gifts among employees.

 What is the "Yankee Swap" or "Secret Santa"?


No credit history is just as bad or worse than bad credit. (True or false)

What is True?


I keep your wealth both big and small,
With vaults of gold behind my wall.
Money flows through me at every call—what am I?

What is a bank?


If you need to make multiple payments over a long period of time in order to buy a car or house, you will need this.

What is financing or a loan?


 Many employers offer this type of plan, allowing employees to save for retirement with tax advantages and often includes a company match

What is 401k?


This character in The Office famously says, "I'm not superstitious, but I am a little stitious."

 Who is Michael Scott?


A way to positively impact your credit is __________.

What is making your payments on time, Not getting close to your limit, having a lot of credit history, no errors on your credit report?


I’m a reward for waiting, not seen at first,
In loans and savings, I often burst.
What am I, that grows and can quench your thirst?

What is interest?


Phoenix, a first-time car buyer without an established credit history, is likely to be charged a high interest rate. Taking this action could potentially help them secure a lower interest rate.

What is improve credit score or get a co-signer with good credit such as a parent/guardian or make a larger down payment?


 Employers may provide this benefit, which allows employees to take time off for personal use, including vacation, sick leave, and holidays.

What is PTO?


Jim frequently pranks this coworker, once placing his stapler inside a gelatin dessert.

 Who is Dwight Schrute?


This is used when trying to get a loan, a car, house, and even with phone companies.

What is your credit score/history?


I track your needs and guide your way,
Balancing choices day by day.
What am I, that helps you save and play?

What is a budget?


If you are someone who doesn't want to do maintenance around the house and seeks a lot of freedom, you could regularly make this payment to a landlord for the use of property or land.

What is rent?


This benefit allows employees to adjust their work hours or locations by telecommuting or setting their own schedule.

What is flexible work arrangements?


This Scranton-based company is the setting for most of the action in The Office

What is Dunder Mifflin?


These could negatively impact your credit.

What are late payments, maxing out your credit, applying for too much new credit, short credit history?


I come in forms both grants and loans,
Helping you study, so knowledge is grown.
What am I, that eases financial moans?

What is financial aid?


A bank or lender determines how much you can afford to spend when you go through this process before you shop for a home or car.

What is the pre-approval process?


Employers often invest in this benefit, which can include tuition reimbursement, training programs, or workshops to enhance employees' skills

What is professional development?


This couple's relationship is a central storyline, beginning with secret feelings and ending in marriage and kids.

Who are Jim and Pam?